Category Archives: Winter 2021

Introducing Margaret

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Hello! I’m Margaret and my pronouns are they/them. I am a second year Graphic Design student at LCC. I chose to complete the second year of my program of study in two years to have room in my schedule for completing a Multimedia Design certificate as well as a Web Design certificate. I’m a parent to an awesome 3 year old and I’m expecting my second child in October. I’ve been a student at LCC since Winter of 2019. I originally thought I wanted to study psychology. My mind was changed when I took a basic design course and remembered my love of art and creating. I consider myself a maker, although I haven’t been practicing as much as I’d like lately. In my free time I enjoy walks with my child and our dog, Eddy. We recently went to Fall Creek reservoir to hunt for rocks. Once I’ve graduated from LCC in June of 2023, I plan to work in an established design studio to gain hands on experience. Once I’ve learned in an established studio, my plan is to open my own design studio and be my own boss! Thanks for taking the time to get to know me.

by: Margaret Giddens

P1-About Me

My life is a hectic mess at times, but it’s of my own doing and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am a mother of two beautiful girls. They keep me pretty busy. I’m also an owner and operator of a small-town salon in Oakridge. If my life wasn’t as busy as I need it to be I decided to finally purser my degree at Lane Community College. I crave more art and creativity in my life. My body is slowing down as I get older, and I don’t want to be stuck behind a chair always on my feet. I love creating art on the computer and I like being a business owner. So, I decided to try for my media design degree. By Toshia Wright

This is Me

About ME

this is me!


I’m Isabella FM. I’m currently enrolled in Lane community college to earn a transfer degree in psychology, due to my fascination with neuroscience and sociology. I’m taking media arts because that was the degree I was initially interested in. *I wanted to be an animator and work for Pixar or something. So I’m curious to see how this class will unfold and see if it sparks past passions that have slowly faded over time. I still wouldn’t mind that career path but becoming a therapist is also a path I wouldn’t mind going down, so I’m at a fork in the road when it comes to planning my future and career.

A little about me, I spend my free time either reading a book or on a hunt for a new one. I adore tea, *the stuff you drink, not gossip, so I have a tendency to spend my time in a tea shop reading. I’m a barista and I have two jobs so I’m a fairly busy person. I’m introverted so I like to spend my time in a quiet warm place. I like to travel as well; the most exciting place I’ve been to is Greece. I have a cat named Bergamot who is always by my side when I’m home.
I think that’s just enough to share about myself to get a good feel of who I am.

Books I recently finished or am reading: – Carmilla: Josph Sheridan Le Fanu – My year of rest and relaxation: Ottessa Moshfegh – Play it as it Lays: Joan Didion -Emotional intelligence: Travis Bradburry & Jean Greaves

P.S I also own a cat named Bergamot and if you are into astrology I’m a Cancer.

P1-About Me

Yo, my name is Angel !

This is my second term here at Lane and so far its been a very delightful experience. I’m currently going in for an Animation and Mixed Media degree. I’m hopeful to become a future animator and be able to create projects and be able to make comics as well. I look forward to be able to improve in my skills and be able to produce my best efforts in my degree! I had already attended a different school going into Digital Art and Animation, however that didn’t go well for me. Fortunately, I was able to attend Lane who offered a similar and affordable experience. I always had a passion for drawing, creating stories and animating . At first I had been intimidated by the idea of animating, however as soon as I began to learn and get myself involved- I instantly became in love with it! I always wanted to become part of a video game development team, but I found myself more attracted to animating cartoons as I felt that I was bringing my drawings to life. I don’t feel as I am at a one-hundred percent, however I will be willing to improve and reach my highest potential!