Category Archives: Winter 2021

P5 Image Editing

I took a late night walk under the moon and took shots with my phone that I thought would work well together and looked cool. This was my first experience with Premiere Pro, I’ve never used it before but it was cool to try out, although not very user friendly. The song I used was not my own and I don’t have legal permission to use it, but I don’t see m,y video having potential to get popular in anyway and I don’t think I’ll get sued for using it, at the most maybe the video will be taken down which is fine by me as long as its graded first ?. I edited the shots so that they would be in tune with the music, some are a little bit off but altogether it flows well.

W21-P5 Classified Knowledge

What if you wanted to know whether Wyoming was actually real, but the Google search engine puts your life in jeopardy at a cost for the answers?


This lovely film was a rushed mess, but I still managed pull off a decent short, random, piece of stir-fry! The music portion of this project is by far the weakest aspect of the video. Although it’s present, I won’t be expecting full credit on that front. No hard feelings.

It’s just me, John Adair.

Here’s my video link!

I found this video creation project to be more than I had planned for. It is unpolished in many ways but a due date is a due date! I had more, smoother transitions in mind and I wish I’d planned for greater time allowance but being up in Portland over the weekend sapped more time than expected. Nevertheless, here it is in all its glory. Enjoy!

By John Adair

Image Editing

I had fun making this video. In my head I wanted to take an SNL style approach and take a jab at the men’s fitness area. Even though I am a big fitness guy playing sports my whole life and have always noticed how copy paste and overly intense ads for fitness products are. What is the biggest feature of them all? Of course the deep voice in the background is always trying to make his sale! Overall I had fun trying out Premiere. Using Final cut pro multiple times I thought  the skills would transfer over. I was not able to find how to get to key frames landing on the page but accidentally clicking out never to be seen again. I purposely made shaking shots and unfocused scenes to make the ‘‘commercial’’ feel fake, I have never believed the as seen on TV people they never looked like they truly knew how to do the work out or that they received those abs from whatever product they were selling. I aimed for a satire SNL style commercial highlighting how the product advertised either 1. Does not make sense or would conveniently benefit someone during a workout, or 2. A product that promises you results that are impossible to achieve with just that product. 

Starts Here, a Plant Nursery

When I imagined making a “movie” I agonized over what I could make. A day in my life seemed so boring. I just sit in front of my computer doing my classwork.

On the morning I was to drop my daughter at my mother’s house, I briefly discussed with my partner what I should do for this project we locked eyes, discovering a seed of an idea. And it was ripe for the picking!

Starts Here, a plant nursery, is owned and run solely by my mother. She has just begun this life-long ambition after a separation. A sentiment I think many of us can relate to. She is of the earth and shrinks from technology. So, this was a way to help her business shine with little to no effort on her part.

I had originally planned to include more audio from her, but as anyone with a toddler knows, adult projects are often in the wind. Essentially, I captured very little of her talking about Starts Here. Even so, I was amazed at how it came together.

I was able to break away and film some of her starts and vegetable garden on what was a magnificently blustery day. Feeling discouraged about what my final product would look like with only videos from a winter garden, I told myself I would cut in some of the photos she has shared with me and plowed forward.

It worked.

I then realized that Starts Here is still without a logo and so I had to mock that up as well.

That also worked.

Finally, when I sat down to use Premiere Pro, I realized that the application is way over my head. I felt as if I were bumbling in the dark. There is another instructor who had mentioned that there are students who do video editing all on their phones! I thought, “No way! I can do anything. I’ll use Premiere Pro! I got this.” I did not.

So, I checked out the app she suggested and the reviews were dismal. I told myself I had to start somewhere and just downloaded the top-rated video editing app, a sort of desperation. I opted for the 7-day ‘Pro’ trial with YouCut as Teresa’s words echoed in my head, “This is a quick turnaround.” Reflecting on it, that phrase helped me stay in motion.

Once in the app things were very straightforward. I lost track of time as I built and learned the task of video editing. In the end, I had to edit down quite a bit. Per assignment instructions, I tried to get the photos to switch on the beat, but oof, that was proving difficult. I was very limited in the audio the YouCut provided. I was unsure if I had the time to search online for domain-free music that would suit both my and Start Here’s preferences. That said, I hope I never have to hear that guitar solo again!

I feel much more confident in video editing and I might even try at using Premiere Pro again.

I would really love some feedback, as I am considering posting this video on the e-commerce site I am mocking up for Starts Here.

by Sarah Stuart

College Kitchen: Sweet Potato Fries Edition

I had a great experience making this video! Not only was it delicious, it was fun figuring out the camera angles and recording the cooking process. I had to get creative with the camera set up, using many different items I found around my college home. All the clips were filmed on my iphone which was taped to a baseball bat propped up on random stuff in my kitchen. It was funny to see the expression on my roomates faces when they walked in seeing me filming with a baseball bat in hand. The clips filmed over the sink, I balanced the makeshift bat tripod on the air fryer with a cup balancing on the other end to get the perfect angle. Overall, I’d rate this experiieece and 10/10 and the fries were definatly a 10/10 as well!

Living the Dream

I felt this assignment was more a message for me then anything else. after having a successful 2020 I moved back to Eugene and my work has been stagnant ever since. That was a big reality check for me after thinking that I was the king of the world. I was snapped back to reality. Being able to use this audio really helped me get out the feeling that every artist has that they are not good enough. The point of my audio assignment was to give artists hope. We all feel like our work is not good enough and go through creative dry spells but we can never give up. The assignment was fun, trying out different applications to edit my audio clip. I ended up using Premiere Pro even though it is not made for audio, the familiar layout as I edit videos from time to time definitely helped me along my journey. The  art work I used was a photo I took in Las Vegas. Even though it isn’t a very special photo I was able to stay true by using a photo I took, and nothing fits that fast paced lifestyle like Las Vegas. WIth my audio clip I was hoping to give that little boost for any artist that did ot didn’t know they needed it.  

W21-P5-Image Editing

I had a lot of fun with this project! I love to video edit, and don’t get to do enough of it, so this was a great opportunity for me. I got the idea for the project when I realized I could knock out two of my projects at once and have a great end result for both. I love doing hands on projects like working with cars, so I was very at home pulling my dash apart to install my new stereo. I had a blast filming and editing this, and I hope it shows!


P5 Image Editing

My project was about a day in the life of me. While editing this project I realized how lazy I was and how much time I waste watching YouTube or scrolling through my phone. Obviously I do not do this same routine every day but this is what a regular weekday for me would look like. I really enjoyed this project and seeing myself in the third person.