Category Archives: Winter 2021

P6 Final Project

I wanted to try and create a simple 2D animation in Adobe After Effects. Unfortunately, I did not have as much time as I would have liked which is why it lacks sound and was not even finished in time. It is very rough around the edges but I learned a lot in the making of this. The robot characters were created by me in Photoshop, although it would have been better if I made them in Adobe Illustrator. The background images were found on the internet. My original plan was to have more movement and even parallax with moving backgrounds and foregrounds for a sense of depth. I also planned on having an entirely different design for the attacking robots but could not do so due to my extremely poor planning. At the very minimum, I did get to test out an idea I had that sparked this entire idea which was to animate shapes by rotating them around their anchor points. I think it suited the movement of the robots fairly well. This project also tested me in how I can simplify things. The robots’ design could have easily been more complicated with more shapes and a varied color scheme but their simple black shapes with white outlines look quite good in my own opinion. If I were to do this project again I would make a better plan of action in order to tackle the multitude of challenges that will arise in a more effective way. If I had firmly established the pre-production phase then it would have been a far better end product. While this end result is underdeveloped it serves as a reminder to set realistic expectations and make absolutely certain that a proper schedule is followed to make sure that a fully developed product is achieved.

Sp21-P6 Supply Run – Bryson Edlund

This final project was a lot of fun for everyone and they all want to do more projects like this, although they all want to play bigger rolls so we will have to take turns being the main protagonist. We didn’t film during the night like we wanted too and we had some great ideas we didn’t get to use because of the limited time we had. It was still one of my favorite projects to do.

This is a story of a survivor who is simply looking for supplies, but runs into some complications and has to fight his way out of it and to survive.

Sp21-P6_Life in the time of COVID-19

Here we are at the last spot of the term. I have the idea of making this video because I want to show everyone some part of life that we all have to wear mask for a living. Things are much different than they used to be. I defiantly feel the panic from others as grocery stores sellout of things like toilet paper or bottled water. I think the reaction is appropriate and I appreciate everything that people are doing to help stop the spread, no matter how boring it may be.

Things are going back to normal but I want everyone to still be careful about this virus. I’m so happy that I learned a lot from editing this video and used camera angle. I hope everyone like this video! Thank you for watching.

MUL101-Sp21-P5-Image Editing

I put a lot of love and energy into this one folks. Since I’ve never done one before I decided to try my hand at making a short romance film. Using the wind-up toy dinosaurs stemmed from an idea that I used to make a project for a different class, and there’s even a few hidden references to the project that inspired this one. During the production process there were SO MANY bumps and hiccups that slowed me down, I was really worried that it wouldn’t come out the way I imagined it would. Now that it’s finished I’m super happy with the outcome and can’t wait to do more fun stories like this one with my wind up toys.

P.S. A new and free resource I discovered for sound effects and music is YouTube Audio Library, the sounds are available to use for personal videos as well as monetized ones on YouTube.

By Miya Ott

Sp21-P5 Bryson’s Hike – This is the link to my video, I am sorry, but I had a hard time figuring out how to get to to properly work.

I had fun recording this video up at Oakridge, this is at one of my favorite camping spots. My favorite thing was following the water and adding calm music to give the feeling of nature and the woods.