Category Archives: Winter 2015

A rewarding future in media

this is my journey into the field of multimedia , Ive been a sketch artist and tattoo body art practitioner  for 37 years. Im also a founding member for (CASPSBA) the California alliance for the promotion of safe body art. We created lectures and events to educate artist and health inspectors alike into better awareness of blood borne pathogens and there risks. Today I’m shifting my art skills to a different medium in hopes of a rewarding future. kraig santo aka olioartist

First Post

Hello my name is Jack Murphy. Im 22 years old. Before starting my arts education I was a chemistry student and found the lack of hands on work forced my mind to seek other avenues of expression. I am beginning my study of multimedia at Lane with the hopes of transferring back to the University as a digital arts student. My primary focus right now however would have to be sound design. I have been teaching myself how to use Ableton Live for the past 4 years, and I have recently acquired an analog drum machine and mono synth that I enjoy recording. Recently I was introduced to Native Instruments Reaktor which has been taking up huge chucks of spare time. The music scene that existed between Detroit and Berlin during the 1990’s has been heavily influencing my artistic expression for the last years. I really enjoy the futurist yet dystopian atmosphere many pieces exibit from this time period. The sculpting of noise and ambience into solid yet expansive sonic landscaped. My primary foci in art are space, noise, pattern, repetition, monotony, deviation, and time. I look forward to being able to explore some of these concepts in both time dependent and independent media, as well as being introduced to new concepts worth exploring. Currently I am learning the basics about photography using my iPhone camera, coming from audio, pictures has so many tweakable perameters it seems impossible to settle on a final finished image. I have some experience with video via a class in high school, however that was so long ago I have very little left over skill wise from that. Looking forward to a gainful quarter.

About Me

Hello, my name is Jon Campollo I’m 19 and I’m studying to become an animator or cartoonist, my friends nicknamed me Jay, I am of filipino ancestry and grew up away from their culture and all that, after college I wish to take a trip to Japan and learn study some art there. On my free time I love to draw, fence and game hard sometimes, but there is not a second that my head is either in asketchbook or looking up art to draw. I’ve drawn multiple different cartoon characters and I’ve even created my own comic, though it was not successful. I am currently redesigning it and changing the plot and character development.


Hi, my name is Brian…

and I am a student at Lane Community College pursuing my AAS in Multimedia Design. I was a jack of many trades with a ridiculous amount of ambition in my twenties, but now going into my early thirties I am quickly realizing my true passion is in design and concept. My goal is to help create a design company with a group of fellow students with hope within a few years I lead the design strategist department with plenty of portfolio work under my belt.

I figured instead of explaining my history, interests and future plans in depth, I would list ten things about me that I find interesting and hopefully you do as well:

10.) I have ran and started two successful businesses in my lifetime (pool service, DJ/KJ) I once sold a company I started for $2000 to another company for $40,000. I currently own and run a lotion bar company by myself. Super Natural Lotion Bars

9.) I once was obsessed with Texas Hold-Em poker and ran a league for three years, I also won a seat and played in the world series of Poker in 2009. Now you know where the $40,000 went (for reals).

8.) At the age of 19, I was cast to star in a MTV reality show called “FM Nation” it ran one season and it was terrible. The silver lining here was my introduction into acting and multimedia. Link to show

7.) Since high school, I have created various song parodies and humorous rap songs (20 total). I won a battle rap competition in the year 2000 and was a semi-finalist various times on Trust me, it was always satirical and not serious. My father raised me around 1980’s metal. (explicit content) One of my songs

6.) I constantly strive to enter the YouTube comedy market. I spend a lot of time writing and producing pilot shows with hopes they get picked up by online comedy syndicates.

Here’s an example of a show I wrote, directed, produced and directed(explicit content)

5.) My grandmother on my mothers side was Italian (rest her soul) and on my fathers side was okie-Cherokee. During her lifetime it was not acceptable to be native american, therefore she was ashamed and hid it from the government. Alas, I am not allowed to receive native benefits (but I still love and miss her dearly nonetheless). My combined heritage is; Italian, Cherokee, Danish and Irish.

4.) I was the lead in a full feature length comedy movie called “Border Brothers”which is due out this year and will most likely be on Netflix. I also helped with parts of the screenplay, stunt driving, and edited the unofficial trailer.

The movie trailer (explicit content)

3.) I grow four different types of hair color due to my mixed genetics. I started to grey at 20, my hair also shows black and brown, my beard grows red (ginger) with some brown. I share a good amount of my gene pool with my grandfather on my mothers side.

2.) My biggest dream in life is still to write for a sketch comedy show or a sitcom, I was voted in high school “most likely to be on SNL”. For over ten years I have been writing, directing and producing YouTube skits. I was in theater for 6 years between high school and early college, as well as choir and pursed stand up comedy for 4 years with a decent amount of success.

My first comedy show


1.) I moved to Eugene to better myself, I wanted to start over with school, make more friends and expand my creativity. Though I miss my friends and family, it was the best decision I’ve ever made so far in my life. I have a little one of the way and I take my career path more serious than ever.

I am very excited to expand my knowledge and network with my fellow design students!

The Silent J

Hello, my name is Matthew Curry I have chosen to take this class to help better my skills for game development/computer simulation major here at Lane Community. When I have free time I usually spend it chatting with friends and family, playing video games, watching movies, drawing and being an all around nerd of comics and anime. Ever since i was a child I believed that i was born in the wrong century with a feeling of detachment to everything that I came upon, if asked what time period I should have been born I will generally answer that I should have been born in the 1400’s being either a pirate or working as a merchant traveling around Europe. As I grew older I soon realized that I sought to become a game developer wanting to create a gaming system that is both interactive and virtual reality where your mind is the controller and that your imagination will be your greatest weapon in a world where you can be what you choose to be.

A rewarding future in media

this is my journey into the field of multimedia , Ive been a sketch artist and tattoo body art practitioner  for 37 years. Im also a founding member for (CASPSBA) the California alliance for the promotion of safe body art. We created lectures and events to educate artist and health inspectors alike into better awareness of blood borne pathogens and there risks. Today I’m shifting my art skills to a different medium in hopes of a rewarding future. kraig santo aka olioartist

About Me

Hello, my name is Jon Campollo I’m 19 and I’m studying to become an animator or cartoonist, my friends nicknamed me Jay, I am of filipino ancestry and grew up away from their culture and all that, after college I wish to take a trip to Japan and learn study some art there. On my free time I love to draw, fence and game hard sometimes, but there is not a second that my head is either in asketchbook or looking up art to draw. I’ve drawn multiple different cartoon characters and I’ve even created my own comic, though it was not successful. I am currently redesigning it and changing the plot and character development.


X4 Professional Practices

Erik Bishoff is a experienced Eugene Oregon Wedding Photographer, Commercial Photographer, Architecture Photographer and Freelance Photojournalist. He has covered over 85 weddings and NCAA sporting events, dozens of architecture and real estate projects, and hundreds lifestyle and portrait shoots since starting his business in 2005.

I’d like to point out that Erik has a formal education in Photography and Architectural Design. A rigorous seven years Erik holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography from the University of Oregon where he got his start in Photojournalism and Fine Art Photography. Then he went on to receive a Master of Architecture, also from the University of Oregon, in 2008. Since he has worked both as an Intern Architect and a Design and Planning Professional while working summers as a Wedding Photographer. Erik is now a full time photographer with an emphasis in event photography, architecture photography, photojournalism and commercial photography.

In the lecture I attended On the Lane Campus on November 13 @4pm in the Commons room in building 17. I was surprised to see that it was full room to see him and here him speak on his experiences in photography particularly architectural photography with the CANON 16MM tilt/shift lens. He spoke of his own experience with the lens and how he used it in his work mostly architectural. He also showed us a few Youtube videos about tilt shift lenses and their uses. One in particular was its use in making panoramas without having to move the camera and simply using the mechanical shift aspect function of the lens to achieve correct perspective panoramas without the need to correct perspective in Photoshop in post processing. This was of great interest since on of the detracting visual aspects of panoramas is the curved and distorted perspectives that are present in them. I like wide landscape shots and wouldn’t have thought of the tilt/shift lens as something to use for panoramas until Erik discussed it in his lecture.

I also appreciated his description of the photography industry and that it is not an easy field to make money in that you need to be versatile and a problem solver to really have consistent and good paying work. As well as explaining that it is time consuming that he often visits locations at different times of day and scouts it out just taking pictures with his iphone to get in his head what he wants to do when he takes his equipment to location. Also how a scene that he shoots for example of a hotel chain that didn’t work out or look right at he time of shooting. The time of day and glaring sun light made the shots he took look washed out and flat and the sky was devoid clouds also cars were parked in front of the hotel. He explains how he used HDR to had contrast and depth to the image as well Photoshoping in a puffy white cloud sky and editing out the cars in front of the hotel. This wasn’t new information that many advertisements are photoshopped and are not exactly true representations of the product, or place, or person. I like his real world experience and how he relayed that to us in a very real way no sugar coating and an emphasis on the work and challenges the exist when trying to  make a living in a competitive field.

X4 Boo Bomb!

I attended a concert in Portland on 10-24-14. It was put on by radio station Jam’n 107.5 and they called it the “Boo Bomb”. It was a hip hop showcase featuring multiple well established and oldschool artists. It took place at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum right next to the Trailblazers Moda Center.

The opener to the show was Sir Mix-a-Lot, best known for his song Baby Got Back. I was not looking forward to seeing him ever since hearing he was part of the show. When I got to the event I could already hear someone was performing. Going through the doors I could see it was Sir Mix-A-Lot. I went back through the doors and used this time to get some water.

Once hydrated and ready to see the show, I entered the main part of the coliseum. Seats were assigned and mine was close to the stage, only six rows back. Great close view and center stage. Not long after I found my spot, they announced the next artist to perform, New Orleans rapper Juvenile, was about to get on stage. Juvenile has been one of my favorite hip hop artists and it was good news to hear I was just in time, perfect way to start the show.

Juvenile’s performance was great. He performed many classic songs from his multiplatinum album 400 Degreez. He also did hit songs like “Slow Motion” and “Set It Off”. He talked to the crowd saying things like Trailblazer Damian Lillard is his favorite basketball player, and he would have been there with him if he wasn’t playing a game in the building next door.

Next was LA rapper DJ Quik. He was a big name in the 90’s, but he has still been steadily making music since. He performed old classic songs, some of which I knew, others I didn’t. Overall, he was good. After him was E-40, a big name from the Bay. His set was a mix of old and new songs. Some of his songs were high energy and at times people around me were going “hyphy”. Overall, I thought he was good.

The next artist to perform was Ja Rule. He was a big name in hip hop and pop culture in general in the early 2000s. The radio personality announcing him commented on how they haven’t seen him perform in years. When Ja got on stage people around me went crazy. People knew all the songs, and his unique style of mixing rapping with singing had parts for both the guys and girls to enjoy. Even he looked surprised everyone still knew all of his songs and said to the crowd, “You know these songs are like 10 years old, right?”

Next to perform was Bong Thugs-n-Harmony, a highly successful group from Cleveland. They are known for their style of mixing fast rapping with harmonic elements. I have seen them perform two times prior, both times in Eugene. Seeing them perform in smaller venues like the WOW Hall vs seeing them in a large coliseum had a slightly different feel. I think they performed better and were more on point during this event. The biggest difference than the prior shows was the lacking of one member. It was a little strange with him not there, as the group would either have to rap his parts for him or stop the song when it cam to his part. Even had already seeing them before I thought their performance was great.

Last to hit the stage was T.I. He has been around the music scene since the early 2000s, but recently has grown to celebrity status, even getting his own reality show on VH1. With this current popularity, the show organized him sort of like a headliner. A lot of people were waiting to see him and the place immediately got louder when they announced he was about to perform. He got on stage and performed a few older songs, which I liked. He also talked to the crowd a little saying don’t believe all the bad talk about him and that he’s a real stand up dude. Then he started to perform some of his newer songs which most of the crowd enjoyed. I didn’t care for his new songs too much, but still thought his performance was good. He was very active, constantly moving around the stage while he performed, giving a high energy feel to the crowd. The entire show overall was solid and by the time in ended I was satisfied. My legs were just started to get tired and I thought the length of the show was just right.

I am pleased to say the show was a very positive experience. I got to see some of my favorite hip hop artists perform live. It is always interesting to hear how a live version differs from the recording. No two performances of a song are exactly the same, so each new performance is a new listening experience. I also observed and took in a few things like performing skills such as moving around and ways of interacting with the crowd. Also seeing what songs connected best with the crowd. I also observed technical things like lighting, microphone levels and voice clarity, bass levels, speaker placement, and more. This was the first Boo Bash to take place, but they made it sound like it was the first of more to come. I hope so as I would definitely go to another show like this.

Eight Blessings of Akatosh Upon You!!

Hello my indigenius people! I chose to do an informational interview via email. I chose to contact Bethesda softworks, a division of Zenimax Media Company and a recognized leader in the gaming field today. I have been a fan of the Elder Scrolls franchise and the Fallout franchise for some time now and I was curious as to how one would get in the door with this company. Below is a transcript of the email communication that took place.

Message: Hello Bethesda Representative,

My name is Jose Theragood. I am a multimedia design student at Lane Community College in Eugene Oregon. I would like to ask some questions about how one would go about entering the conceptual art side of video game making. What skills sets are industry leaders such as yourself looking for in a possible employee? What kind of operational tempo does a major gaming company run at? The answers to these questions plus additional info and feedback from your company will be greatly appreciated. I will be posting this on a class blog and if there is any information that should not be posted please let me know in your reply. Thank you for your time and I hope to receive a response soon.

I really loved the way the Derrius had fun with his reply, it is little things like this that make me want to be part of a company/studio that understands the need for solid work but can also have fun

The Eight’s blessing upon ye Jose!
How are you doing? Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team! My name is Derrius, and I will be assisting you today as we work together to get this taken care of. It’s hard to define what skills to pursue, as studio needs are constantly changing and will also vary from one studio to another. Take your time in finding your strengths and passions. You do need some technical skills, but the most important thing is to bring your diverse interests and experiences to the table. Here are some resources you may find helpful in learning about the video game industry and jobs within it:
+Gamasutra: The Art & Business of Making Games, a website focused on news, features, and blogs related to video game development.
+Gamedevmap, a living catalog of game development organizations.
+Bethblog Developer Interviews, conversations with developers from various studios, many of whom talk about how they got into the industry.
+”So You Want To Be A Producer,” an episode from Penny Arcade’s series “Extra Credits.”
+Project Fun DigiPen, a site for workshops and summer programs geared toward pre-college students interested in learning the tools and techniques of game creation and other high-tech careers.
+Game Kit (Beta), a great activity website for learning the fundamentals of game design.
Also, we encourage interested individuals to send in a job application to ZeniMax Online Studios. Our job listings can be foundhere. Queries about any position not listed on the site can be sent If you have any other question, concerns, problems or feedback, please do not hesitate to let me know so that I can further assist you! Best of luck with your future goals in the video game industry! You can find more information about The Elder Scrolls Online on our website and social channels (Facebook, Twitter, and Google+).
Thank you for your hard work and diligence in the fight to make better games!
May Akatosh carry you to victory upon his wings,
Derrius of The Elder Scrolls Online Team.
Having had such a simple interaction and still feeling like Derrius and the Bethesda team really care about what they do inspires me to truly, actively pursue my dreams of working on an Elder Scrolls game.