Category Archives: Winter 2015

Heyyy, this is for class yay:

Hey there,

My name is Hannah Koppes and I’m 21 years of age. I currently live in Eugene, Oregon. I’m originally from the North West part of Oregon, more familiarly known as Portland. I moved to the states when I was 6 years old because my dad worked for Nike. I was born in The Netherlands, a little bit outside of Amsterdam. I moved to Paris, France when I was 3 and lived there for a few years. My dad speaks fluent French which is pretty cool.

Like I said, I grew up in Portland. I loved going to school when I was younger. It was a lot of fun for me because it was easy. As I got older, I didn’t enjoy it as much anymore. I realized it was because I was taking classes I didn’t really care for. Anyways, now I’m taking this class called Intro to Media Arts, which I really enjoy. The first day my instructor showed me a video by one of my favorite artists; Ok Go. I’ve seen them multiple times in concert so immediately I knew this was going to be a cool class.

I took a year off last year. I was going to the University of Oregon for a while and it didn’t really turn out very well for me. I took a year off so I could figure out what I wanted to study instead of just blindly following a path with no end game. I was thinking about it and realized that I really enjoy film. I love the way movies make me feel, and I love the dynamic of the film industry. Ultimately I want to do my two year associates degree here, then go to cosmetology school. After that hopefully I’ll move to LA and be able to become a production assistant or something in that genre. I could also do make-up on the side as additional income.

Lastly, to conclude this post…I like to take photos, make music, write (as you can tell I have a blog), make movies, go to concerts and hang out with friends. Get to know me, I don’t think you’ll regret it.




A photo by me: ^^

Wesley’s Personal Blog P1

My name is Wesley LaVassaur and this is my Personal Blog. I recently started the Multimedia Design program at Lane and I am really enjoying it. I think art is a really good way for people to express themselves and helps people to try and understand the world around them. I look forward to eventually creating virtual worlds for people to explore. Virtual Gaming I feel will become huge in the near future, but only if enough artists are willing to contribute to it. I hope that one day I will be professionally designing 3-Dimensional worlds for people.

In my free time I like to play video games, watch TV, and play ultimate Frisbee. Video games take up most of that time though. The ability for something to transport you to a different dimension for a time is a great thing. You can move around in a world where you can do anything and it never ceases to amaze me. As for TV, I really like Breaking Bad and any Tom Hanks movie is amazing. Ultimate Frisbee is my favorite sport to play just because it’s pretty simple and it’s like a mix between a couple sports. I look forward to the future of the Media Arts program as well to see where life takes me!



Whats up media classmates, my name is Christian Hindley. This is my second term at Lane and my second total year in college. Next term im going to dual enroll at UO. I’m currently studying Criminal Justice here, and I plan on joining the Navy after school. Im from Portland, Oregon. I love the Portland Trail Blazers, I love the Oregon ducks, and most sports in general. I tend to stay active whether its at the gym, outdoors, or vigorously shouting profanities at the xbox, Im usually up to something. I love life and everything it has to offer so I try to make the best of it.


Wesley’s Personal Blog P1

My name is Wesley LaVassaur and this is my Personal Blog. I recently started the Multimedia Design program at Lane and I am really enjoying it. I think art is a really good way for people to express themselves and helps people to try and understand the world around them. I look forward to eventually creating virtual worlds for people to explore. Virtual Gaming I feel will become huge in the near future, but only if enough artists are willing to contribute to it. I hope that one day I will be professionally designing 3-Dimensional worlds for people.

In my free time I like to play video games, watch TV, and play ultimate Frisbee. Video games take up most of that time though. The ability for something to transport you to a different dimension for a time is a great thing. You can move around in a world where you can do anything and it never ceases to amaze me. As for TV, I really like Breaking Bad and any Tom Hanks movie is amazing. Ultimate Frisbee is my favorite sport to play just because it’s pretty simple and it’s like a mix between a couple sports. I look forward to the future of the Media Arts program as well to see where life takes me!


My Career Declaration

id picture

Just a little bit about myself,

My name is Derek Watson, I’ve lived in Oregon all my life and can think of no other place I’d rather be. I’m 25 years old and have be drawing ever sense I can remember.

I’m an aspiring Cartoonist and Animator hoping one day to own and operate my very own studio, a studio that will give others with their passions and ideas; dedicated to anything and everything animation oriented a place to develop and grow; a collaborative work shop of people who work together on group projects, who help one another to realize their talents and showcase their creations to the rest of the world.

My goal is an ambitions one and is likely to fail before it would even start, but to create a company of my own from the ground up has been a dream of mine for at least 8 years now. The feeling I get in making this dream a reality is a strong one to say the least and one that I am very passionate about.


With the brand name of the company itself in mind: “Cartoon Platoon Studios” and with what I like to refer to as “The Radio Man Logo” (seen above) as my banner for the future company to be.

A little about me.

Hi everyone I’m Jon; I’ve lived in Eugene for almost a year now. I originally hail from Tampa Florida and after being in the Air Force for four years and after having lived in South Korea and Japan I didn’t really want to move back to Florida. It was in Japan that I picked up my current hobby of collecting vintage game consoles and video games. In my spare time I enjoy reading especially comic books and graphic novels, my favorite being Superman comics but really anything is fun. I’m trying to get into film making so I hope the multi media program can offer me a good stepping stone.

Who the hell am I?!

Picture 4 I am Jon Conway and I live in Eugene Oregon in the US I enjoy gaming(duh), Anime, cooking, and all kinds of other stuff. When I complete the Media Arts program I would LOVE to get into concept and design work because I feel that this is where my niche is. I draw my inspiration from many sources including the works of H.P Lovecraft, Edger Allen Poe, Robert E Howard and Anne Rice. When it comes to gaming I do not call myself “Hardcore” because I do not believe in labels, those are for items not people. Clan Malkavian for life! Hahahahahaha!!


LogoClanMalkavian         vtm___chibi_clan_malkavian_by_zero081090-d3f87u3

Enter Desired Information Here.

Gamer. 28 yrs old. Full time college student. Full time graveyard baker. Yeah….that last part….

If you’re taking time to read this then let me fill you in on a little bit about my life! I was born and raised in Clovis CA and moved up to Eugene in 2012. I had desires to get my transfer degree at Lane and attend the University of Oregon but things have changed in the last few years. I originally wanted to go for Family Human Services but of course like any college student, I have decided to change majors and go with my passion: Media Arts.

I worked on staff at a local church in CA for several years and ran their Media Department. I made anything from flyers, videos, promotional videos, small production, moderate graphic design, and beyond. It all started with being sat down at a Mac that I knew nothing about and was asked to make a video with given footage. Knew nothing about the program let alone how to navigate anywhere on the comp. And I’m here today fully confident in creating projects and working in the media arts realm. Bring on the Multimedia Major! Not entirely sure what specific area or what I want out of the program but hoping to find something along the way.

Hobbies: Hiking, Photography, Music, Movies, Gaming, Settlers of Catan.

I also have an almost 1 year old Pug named LP (short for Little Pimp) and a boyfriend of almost 3 years.


Thanks for stopping by!

// Travis //

Stagehands of Eugene Or.

IMG_20140909_134930 IMG_20140817_124453Hello Everybody, I’m Mark and I’m creating a Blog for my Multi-Media class at Lane Community College in Eugene Oregon. I am a long time Stagehand/Lighting Tech and also have 12+ years as an Electrician/Grip in the film and TV industries. I’m back at school to update my skills and learn new technologies related to those fields. It will be interesting to hear from other people in these fields and share stories and experiences of shows they are working or have worked on. Also to talk about any new equipment or gear they are working with. In the coming weeks I will talk about some things I am involved with and hope to hear others. Until then, Thanks, Mark.

The Silent J

Hello, my name is Matthew Curry I have chosen to take this class to help better my skills for game development/computer simulation major here at Lane Community. When I have free time I usually spend it chatting with friends and family, playing video games, watching movies, drawing and being an all around nerd of comics and anime. Ever since i was a child I believed that i was born in the wrong century with a feeling of detachment to everything that I came upon, if asked what time period I should have been born I will generally answer that I should have been born in the 1400’s being either a pirate or working as a merchant traveling around Europe. As I grew older I soon realized that I sought to become a game developer wanting to create a gaming system that is both interactive and virtual reality where your mind is the controller and that your imagination will be your greatest weapon in a world where you can be what you choose to be.