Category Archives: Past Student Work

My Life so Far

My name is Keasey, and I have been stumbling through existence for almost 22 years now. I thoroughly enjoy taking photographs of other weird little human beings, isolating myself from reality, and cats. I also unconditionally love movies and the art of film making. When I am a big boy I want to be a cinematographer more than anything else in the whole wide world, so I have enlisted in the Multimedia Design program to hone my skills and absorb as much knowledge as my squishy brain can handle. I have a very dark sense of humor and my mind has been corrupted by growing up breastfed by American television, so if I offend you I wholeheartedly apologize. I really like smashing things with hammers, eating pistachio ice cream, and secretly eavesdropping on your conversations. One time I accidentally gave a ‘thumbs-up’ to a blind guy on the bus. I don’t play any instruments, but I strongly believe that learning how to play the piano should be a requirement in all elementary schools. One day I want to be that cool uncle who gives his nieces and nephews illegal fireworks and sips of hard alcohol. Mr. Rodgers and Che Guevara are my biggest heroes because they both promoted truth and love, though in very different ways. If we become friends I will share cigarettes with you and make fun of everything you do, but secretly care a whole awful lot about how your day went and what your fears are. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me, and remember that the time you just spent reading this is irretrievable and you are one step closer to your inevitable death. So go ride your bike or something.

By: Keasey Freed

My Life so Far

Electric Sheep

My name is Keasey, and I have been stumbling through existence for almost 22 years now. I thoroughly enjoy taking photographs of other weird little human beings, isolating myself from reality, and cats. I also unconditionally love movies and the art of film making. When I am a big boy I want to be a cinematographer more than anything else in the whole wide world, so I have enlisted in the Multimedia Design program to hone my skills and absorb as much knowledge as my squishy brain can handle. I have a very dark sense of humor and my mind has been corrupted by growing up breastfed by American television, so if I offend you I wholeheartedly apologize. I really like smashing things with hammers, eating pistachio ice cream, and secretly eavesdropping on your conversations. One time I accidentally gave a ‘thumbs-up’ to a blind guy on the bus. I don’t play any instruments, but I strongly believe that learning how to play the piano should be a requirement in all elementary schools. One day I want to be that cool uncle who gives his nieces and nephews illegal fireworks and sips of hard alcohol. Mr. Rodgers and Che Guevara are my biggest heroes because they both promoted truth and love, though in very different ways. If we become friends I will share cigarettes with you and make fun of everything you do, but secretly care a whole awful lot about how your day went and what your fears are. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me, and remember that the time you just spent reading this is irretrievable and you are one step closer to your inevitable death. So go ride your bike or something.

By: Keasey Freed

Ice Cream Cake

Layered. When asked to describe myself using one word, that’s my typical response. Now, you may be wondering, “what does that even mean?” It means I’m an overly complicated, deep, philosopher-like person. Not really, it just means that there are things about me that you may never know, and that’s on purpose. It takes me a long time to fully open up to new people, or old friends for that matter. Thus, I use the word “layered” to emphasize the idea that there are layers you’ll have to slowly pull back to get to the root of who I am as a person. Much like an ice cream cake that has fudge and cookie crumbles in the center. Yep, you got it, I’m essentially nothing more than an ice cream cake, waiting to be enjoyed with a plastic fork.

Anyway, enough about that. Where to begin? Well, my name is a good place to start I suppose, and it’s Forrest. Forrest Emery. I was born in Manteca, California, adopted at birth, and have lived in Springfield for about 18 years. I’m extremely passionate about music, specifically drums. I started playing when I was about 13 and I’ve been entirely self taught since the beginning. The whole reason I decided to come to Lane was an experience I had in a recording studio with my band. I enjoyed the process, as in mixing, editing, and post-production, so much that I knew I wanted to pursue a career in audio engineering, or, at the very least, something to do with multimedia.

My ultimate goal is to become a successful audio engineer. Whether that’s in music, TV, live events, or anything in between doesn’t really concern me. In fact, doing all of that sounds great, and hopefully at some point I’ll be able to. Even though it’s only been a week, I’m convinced that Lane is going to give me the tools, experiences, and connections I need to not only pursue my dreams, but achieve them, and I look forward to the ride.

Oh yeah, here’s a picture of me, taken by one of my good friends as a “Man Crush Monday” post. (Spoiler alert: It’s back when I had cool hair).


P.S. Check out one of my most recent bands in the link below to hear me drumming and singing.

Ice Cream Cake

Layered. When asked to describe myself using one word, that’s my typical response. Now, you may be wondering, “what does that even mean?” It means I’m an overly complicated, deep, philosopher-like person. Not really, it just means that there are things about me that you may never know, and that’s on purpose. It takes me a long time to fully open up to new people, or old friends for that matter. Thus, I use the word “layered” to emphasize the idea that there are layers you’ll have to slowly pull back to get to the root of who I am as a person. Much like an ice cream cake that has fudge and cookie crumbles in the center. Yep, you got it, I’m essentially nothing more than an ice cream cake, waiting to be enjoyed with a plastic fork.

Anyway, enough about that. Where to begin? Well, my name is a good place to start I suppose, and it’s Forrest. Forrest Emery. I was born in Manteca, California, adopted at birth, and have lived in Springfield for about 18 years. I’m extremely passionate about music, specifically drums. I started playing when I was about 13 and I’ve been entirely self taught since the beginning. The whole reason I decided to come to Lane was an experience I had in a recording studio with my band. I enjoyed the process, as in mixing, editing, and post-production, so much that I knew I wanted to pursue a career in audio engineering, or, at the very least, something to do with multimedia.

My ultimate goal is to become a successful audio engineer. Whether that’s in music, TV, live events, or anything in between doesn’t really concern me. In fact, doing all of that sounds great, and hopefully at some point I’ll be able to. Even though it’s only been a week, I’m convinced that Lane is going to give me the tools, experiences, and connections I need to not only pursue my dreams, but achieve them, and I look forward to the ride.

Oh yeah, here’s a picture of me, taken by one of my good friends as a “Man Crush Monday” post. (Spoiler alert: It’s back when I had cool hair).


P.S. Check out one of my most recent bands in the link below to hear me drumming and singing.

Me, Myself and I

Hello, world!

My name, as you may know, is Azlyn K. Moncrief. If you like, you may call me Azzy. I’m a Multimedia Design student. Once I finish the program I plan on returning to LCC for a game design/programming program. I am a rather shy and anxious person, but I try to be as friendly as I can. Don’t be afraid to approach me; I’m more afraid of you than you are of me.

Some of the things I enjoy are…

Art! Graphic design, digital drawing and painting, 3D art, animation… I’m passionate about art because it offers numerous opportunities to bring your ideas and thoughts to life in a way that people can enjoy. Even games could be called art!

Speaking of games, I also really enjoy those. I pour a lot of my time into fantasy games. My favorite genre has to be MMO/RPG. I sometimes dabble in FPS, but I don’t have any consoles so I’m a bit limited in what I can play sometimes.

Another one of my passions is music, however I don’t plan on pursuing a career in it. I would like to learn how to play guitar, but I never really have the motivation to begin teaching myself. A couple of my favorite genres, ranging from broad to specific are: Hardstyle, melodic death metal, folk/symphonic metal, power metal, swing and various other types of techno. I’m rather open minded to music, however I don’t often find enjoyment in rap or country.

Writing! More specifically, Role-Playing! The process of designing, developing and using characters takes up a lot of my free time. I have way too many OCs- that is, original characters- but I can’t seem to stop making them! I could talk for hours about my most developed ones.

Well, that’s a little bit about me. As you can see, I’m a bit of a geek. Is that really a bad thing, though? I hope to make a few friends here at LCC, so if you do too, come talk to me. I don’t bite… Hard, anyway.

About Owl

My name is Jenna Lay and I’m now in the Multimedia Design program at LCC. I started out in the Graphic Design program and quickly found out that it really, really wasn’t my cup of tea. I learned a lot and wouldn’t do it over any different though. I go by Friend Owl online (long story, we’ll leave it as a childhood nickname) but you can just call me Jenna. Or Owl I guess if you really wanted to.

I chose Multimedia Design because I want to be a concept artist, especially in character or environment design. Video games, movies, books, and TV shows have always been very important to me. I don’t play, watch, and read just to pass time. I invest myself into these forms of media to experience a story, grow attached to the characters, and maybe learn something from what the creator has to say. Everyone has their own voice and stories to tell. The Last of Us is a perfect example of why telling stories through media is to be taken seriously. That game impacted me in many ways. The way Ellie and Joel go through the story and interact while trying to survive, facing their own demons, and grow to love each other in a father/daughter relationship while still maintaining good game play mechanics is something to really admire. Naughty Dog did a great job writing those characters and creating a beautifully realistic world for that apocalypse to take place. Word on the street is that The Last of Us is now getting a movie adaptation. All I can say is, I hope they do the game justice.

In my spare time I work on personal projects which range from comics to animation scripts and character designs. I also play video games, read, cosplay, and write fanfiction. My current focuses are my Destiny fan motion comic, and more importantly, working on an original story (comic??) idea. Until a title can be found we’ll call it the Jade Project. I’m fleshing out characters and the world they inhabit slowly. JP has a cast of 34 named characters and could easily double. Pushing myself past the anxiety and fear of no one enjoying or taking these stories seriously is tough but my time here at LCC has done wonders for my confidence.

About Owl

My name is Jenna Lay and I’m now in the Multimedia Design program at LCC. I started out in the Graphic Design program and quickly found out that it really, really wasn’t my cup of tea. I learned a lot and wouldn’t do it over any different though. I go by Friend Owl online (long story, we’ll leave it as a childhood nickname) but you can just call me Jenna. Or Owl I guess if you really wanted to.

I chose Multimedia Design because I want to be a concept artist, especially in character or environment design. Video games, movies, books, and TV shows have always been very important to me. I don’t play, watch, and read just to pass time. I invest myself into these forms of media to experience a story, grow attached to the characters, and maybe learn something from what the creator has to say. Everyone has their own voice and stories to tell. The Last of Us is a perfect example of why telling stories through media is to be taken seriously. That game impacted me in many ways. The way Ellie and Joel go through the story and interact while trying to survive, facing their own demons, and grow to love each other in a father/daughter relationship while still maintaining good game play mechanics is something to really admire. Naughty Dog did a great job writing those characters and creating a beautifully realistic world for that apocalypse to take place. Word on the street is that The Last of Us is now getting a movie adaptation. All I can say is, I hope they do the game justice.

In my spare time I work on personal projects which range from comics to animation scripts and character designs. I also play video games, read, cosplay, and write fanfiction. My current focuses are my Destiny fan motion comic, and more importantly, working on an original story (comic??) idea. Until a title can be found we’ll call it the Jade Project. I’m fleshing out characters and the world they inhabit slowly. JP has a cast of 34 named characters and could easily double. Pushing myself past the anxiety and fear of no one enjoying or taking these stories seriously is tough but my time here at LCC has done wonders for my confidence.

P6 Final Project W15

For my video I decided to do a slap stick comedy.  I was trying to accomplish a video that simply makes you laugh and also aware of the communication issues in financial aid.  I have found the financial aid process to be very annoying.  I get the vibe that the whole “Students First” motto isn’t the reality.  They know they can be rude because there are always going to be broke students that have to deal with them no matter how they act.  Don’t get me wrong.  I am very very thankful for financial aid; I wouldn’t even be here at Lane if it wasn’t available.  At the same time, they make it way more complicated, put up so many roadblocks and don’t tell you all the information you need upfront.  This communication leaves a lot to be desired.

I had a blast making this video, and also learned a lot.  I realize now that I should of coached my dad when I had him film the skit.  For instance, there are a lot of parts where you don’t see the whole person while they are speaking.  I learned so much about editing which will help me in filming in the future.  I hope you enjoy this tongue and cheek presentation.  Thanks Craig

My year in Eugene by Drew Eggers (P6)

I have lived my whole life in one area of Oregon. I have been comfortable living in that area as well. I never saw myself leaving and envisioned myself living my whole life in the Portland area. Eugene was the last place I thought I would live since I grew up hating the Ducks. I am a life long Oregon State Beavers fan, so living in the land of the Duck never sounded appealing to me.

One day around a year ago I was out with my friend Andrei. We were having a convo about life, and he threw out the idea that I should move to Eugene. At first I thought it was a pipe dream, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense to me to move.  Andrei had an extra room in his house he was living at, and it was cheap rent. I had been wanting to move out of my dads house for a while and pursue school more seriously so I quit my job to move to Eugene. It was a big risk for me.

I thought that making a video about my experiences in Eugene felt right since I am moving back to Portland in August. I have enjoyed my time in Eugene and spent time with my friends that I will never forget. I felt I needed to use the opportunity to make a video that would honor this year so I had something to always look back on the great memories. I was really trying to avoid it looking like a slideshow. I wanted to give the audience of my video a feeling of what my life has been like this year. This was all footage I took from my phone so I know it is not the best quality of camera work, but that was the idea I was going for. I wanted that casual vibe to give you the idea like you were right next to me throughout these experiences.

It was fun to look back through all the photos I had taken throughout the year, and that alone made this project worth it to me. I had a lot of laughs bringing myself back to good moments I spent with my friends. It showed me the importance of taking pictures and documenting events. It really helps you remember how great of a time you had.

-Drew Eggers


IMA-SP15-P6 Final Project

For my final project I decided to do a tour type slideshow of Lane Community College with corresponding sounds for each place.
For the Center Building I went with construction noise because that is the main sound you hear from that building.
I also put in a still photo of the Turkeys that are running all over the place.

I enjoyed doing this project but due to being sick for a week I couldn’t get more buildings into the slideshow.
Some of the pictures I was taking was when the rain had control so some of the pictures are from the rainy time and some are from a sunny time.

I used a DSRL camera I checked out from the equipment check out and used different sounds from I also used IMovie which was again a pain because it keep messing with my audio files.