Category Archives: Fall 2014

P4 Interview by Violet Marier

In this interview, I sat down with Gerald the Giraffe (played by my dad, “Dad” the Human) to talk about his daily life as a giraffe. It was an opportunity I was very lucky to have, it’s not everyday that you get to talk to a creature with such a tall, spotted neck. 

You may start out like me before I had the honor of hosting this interview, clueless about how a giraffe would spend his day. If that sounds like you, then, come with me as I learn about his disdain for the birds that nest in the branches he plucks the leaves from, what in the world an ossicone is, and how to really appreciate the beauty of standing quietly in a plateau for hours. This interview is there for everyone with a thirst for knowledge of what it really means to be a giraffe.

This assignment was very entertaining to work on! I originally ended up with around 30 minutes of audio of my father and I just goofing around, so I really had to prune through that to get the final product. I hope you enjoy listening to this interview as much as I enjoyed making and editing it.

In this interview, I sat down with Gerald the Giraffe (played by my dad, “Dad” the Human) to talk about his daily life as a giraffe. It was an opportunity I was very lucky to have, it’s not everyday that you get to talk to a creature with such a tall, spotted neck. 

You may start out like me before I had the honor of hosting this interview, clueless about how a giraffe would spend his day. If that sounds like you, then, come with me as I learn about his disdain for the birds that nest in the branches he plucks the leaves from, what in the world an ossicone is, and how to really appreciate the beauty of standing quietly in a plateau for hours. This interview is there for everyone with a thirst for knowledge of what it really means to be a giraffe.

This assignment was very entertaining to work on! I originally ended up with around 30 minutes of audio of my father and I just goofing around, so I really had to prune through that to get the final product. I hope you enjoy listening to this interview as much as I enjoyed making and editing it.

Link To Credits

P4 by: Allisa Olsen

The story means everything and more to me. My father was a bull rider and my younger sister was and still is doing barrel racing. doing rodeos I learned so much about myself, and made lifelong friends on the way cheering me on from the practice area while still on horseback. Rodeo tested me in ways that my other sports didn’t. It’s not just a sport but it’s also your body language with your horse and bonding with an animal to a point to make you successful, you don’t get that in any other sport where a live animal is your tool. In the rodeo community, you will find people willing to help you even if you just met them second, the bonding people share with each other and animals ita amazing how it can bring people together. It’s also the most competitive sport I’ve ever done. I’m so excited to share a lifelong passion of mine with an audience that might not understand this sport or the work that goes into it. If you have any questions whatsoever about rodeo or the animals that play a part feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.

Blind Box PSA

As a collector of many things, I want to fill my collection of whatever I want and keep growing it, however, one type of collectible has always screwed me over in cash: blind boxes. Originally blind bags, these things have always impulse me. You don’t know what you’re going to get inside and once you open it, you either get the one you want or get a repeat of what you already have. At least with blind bags, you can kind of feel what you might get, but companies have now started switching to boxes, making it impossible to know what’s inside. I made this little PSA to spread awareness about the dangers of blind boxes.

Much of my audio and editing experience dates to high school when I would always help my sister with two of her assignments that involved making a video with audio. I had little experience, but I knew the basics on how to edit audio and I even used a really bad app. The only other time I can think of is when for my second year of Spanish class, my group had to make an entire video while speaking only in Spanish. I was given the opportunity to edit audio in the video and it turned out decent enough for a passing grade. Fast Forward today, the only time I typically edit audio is to pitch music to my liking.

P4 Auditory Project

Part of my interest with this project was the creativity that you could express with it. I had two initial ideas that came to mind with this project, Read a fairly iconic story of Winnie the pooh since it fit a similar idea but also meant more for me as a person than something like Aesop’s fables.

My other idea was extremely more ambitious and where the majority of the time on this project went before I decided Winnie the pooh was a safer option. I was gonna work on a script of a fictional play related to the story “the king in yellow”. The main obstacle was seeing if there was any reference to the play’s theme or even script from it but I couldn’t find anything and would have to write out something. After a few days of thinking on it, I realized this idea is not gonna work and to take a safer route with it.

Overall, this project taught me something important to keep in mind with projects and that is trying to get a good scope of how big an idea really is. I wasted a lot of the time on this project “working” on something that showed no fruit. I will have to keep this in mind when making projects in the future.

By Jordan Smith

The Two Pots, Mason Perkins

I was trying to get a good mix of levels in the audio but I didn’t have time to do much else. I’m using a virtual cable to run my audio from O.B.S to a digital audio bus called voice meter then to audition so there are effects on my voice keeping the levels nice and equalizing for my bad quality mic. I grabbed the sounds from various free sound sites but Pixbay is the best in my opinion. but the most expansive of all things online is a site called Openverse which was previously just called something like creative commons blah blah. I also did some murmur recording along with my voice, and I think it all comes together pretty well mainly considering levels. but with some more time I could do a lot better I’m just sleepy so I got the requirements done and exported. although its not like the fables are particularly interesting so I would wanna write something which would take even more time.

P4 Audio (Alex Seydel)

I picked a random story from the Aesop Fables.

The Stag & His Reflection

A Stag, drinking from a crystal spring, saw himself mirrored in the clear water. He greatly admired the graceful arch of his antlers, but he was very much ashamed of his spindling legs.

“How can it be,” he sighed, “that I should be cursed with such legs when I have so magnificent a crown.”

At that moment he scented a panther and in an instant was bounding away through the forest. But as he ran his wide-spreading antlers caught in the branches of the trees, and soon the Panther overtook him. Then the Stag perceived that the legs of which he was so ashamed would have saved him had it not been for the useless ornaments on his head.

P4 Audio George Hendrickson: Jordan Peterson Has The Meats

With this assignment I wanted to have some fun with the garbage human being that is Jordan Peterson. Yes, this is real. This man tried to convince everyone to be a carnivore for years. I can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of him preaching a positive lifestyle while doing that to his body. I had a great experience with this assignment and it’s probably my favorite one so far. I suppose I also wanted to get the point across that eating only meat, especially beef, is one of the worst long-term things you can do for your body.

I also love when these grifters who use big words to sound intelligent go mask off, and you can see how foolish and ridiculous they actually are. This man is off the rails and deserves to have his platform taken way, but gosh dang it, it’s too much fun to roleplay the worst version of Kermit the frog ever. People like this are dangerous, but if we are able to laugh at them it can take away some of their power, and we can feel a little better about it at the same time.

Music Video

Above is the complete version of a music video I made for my friend who released this song back in 2014. I took the opportunity for making something large to relearn the 3d modeling and animation program, Maya. The second section of this video was done primarily for this class and the first part with more of the traditional animation techniques was done for the intro to animation course. This project took between one to two hundred hours, I think, I’ve kind of lost track of reality the past few weeks.

The music video includes the animation techniques of rotoscoping, pose to pose drawn animation and claymation. All of the scenes and objects were rendered in Maya and then drawn over with one layer, then animated more freely on top of that in Procreate on the Ipad. Sound effects are from the website and the music is from my friends album titled RNB.

The music video details the grey world of living with depression but having a vivid imagination which lives in dichotomy for many artists.

Music Video

Above is the complete version of a music video I made for my friend who released this song back in 2014. I took the opportunity for making something large to relearn the 3d modeling and animation program, Maya. The second section of this video was done primarily for this class and the first part with more of the traditional animation techniques was done for the intro to animation course. This project took between one to two hundred hours, I think, I’ve kind of lost track of reality the past few weeks.

The music video includes the animation techniques of rotoscoping, pose to pose drawn animation and claymation. All of the scenes and objects were rendered in Maya and then drawn over with one layer, then animated more freely on top of that in Procreate on the Ipad. Sound effects are from the website and the music is from my friends album titled RNB.

The music video details the grey world of living with depression but having a vivid imagination which lives in dichotomy for many artists.