Category Archives: FALL 2021

About Me!

Hi! My name is Liah Craven and I’m a Multimedia Design major. I was previously a 2nd Year Graphic design student, but I decided that I wanted to try something different. Creating digital art, editing videos, and making 2D animations has always been a big hobby of mine. That’s mainly why I felt that this program would be better suited for me. I’m still figuring out exactly what I want to focus on as I continue to take classes. I’m a bit shy, but I’d like to think that I’m easy to get along with. I’m looking forward to learning more about everyone in this class.

I’m actually still fairly new to the Eugene/Springfield area. I moved up to Oregon in 2019 during the fall from San Diego, CA. My parents were planning on relocating up here and gave an invitation to tag along. I was in a slump and decided I wanted some change for my mental health. I’ve improved myself a lot since moving here. The main thing that I’ve really appreciated is seeing the seasons change. Seeing the gorgeous autumn leaves, snowfall, and cherry blossom trees, and wild blackberry bushes has been exciting to see during my time here so far. It’s so much different compared to the places I previously lived in. San Diego is just dry and full of palm trees everywhere. In some pockets of San Diego like Spring Valley, El Cajon, and Ocean Beach, there are wild amazon parrots that will just hang out on the telephone poles. I do sort of miss hearing them scream during the rare rainfalls that happen there. The variety of birds that I see up here make due.

I mostly keep to myself and love to relax in my spare time. I have a pet cockatiel named Tiki that I love dearly. I enjoy cute things, animated films, anime, alternative rock music, rhythm games, and animals. It’s hard for me to narrow down favorites and name specifics; I constantly hyper-fixate on different things all the time.

About Me!

Hello there! My name is Rocio Roberts-Goodban and I am a Multimedia student at Lane Community College. I was born and raised for most of my life in Eugene, Oregon. I spent a year and a half in Portland, Oregon working as a nanny! I come from a mixed background, my mother is half white and half Native American, while my father is fully Mexican. I grew up surrounded by Spanish and English, yet chose to study 4 years of Japanese in high school. Working in Japanese horror films has always been a secret dream of mine. I’ve always been obsessed with movies and TV since I was a child. I studied film at Portland State University before the pandemic caused me to move home and go through many personal hardships. I believe that with every challenge can come opportunity, and I’ve now developed more passion, motivation, and inspiration for a career in the industry. My goal is not only to become an independent wedding videographer, but also to become a production assistant or screenwriter. I want to gain more computer skills, learn about web design and photography. I’m excited to dip my toes in many new and different types of media, so I hope to become a more well rounded and versatile person.

Arad Razaghi – P1 About Me

My name is Arad im 22 and ive been going to LCC for the past couple of years but I haven’t had a specific major to complete, currently, I’m working on getting my multimedia art certificate, but I have taken different classes like javascript, art classes and some 3d sculpting, my main passion is video, and photography, ive been using a cameras and editing softwares since I was in highschool and now I want to turn it into a career, you can see some of my work on Instagram @Bleach__Boy (shameless plug ? ), a little back story about me, I was born in Iran and moved to Dubai for Highschool and after that moved out here to Eugene around 2017, right after highschool I took a gap yeah and started a clothing company named Bleach__boy and I used to make bleached hoodies and shirts and sell them online and at the Eugene Saturday market for a couple of years, I try to push myself to learn new skills that interest me a lot, from big projects like vinyl wrapping a Whole car and learning to day trade stocks to learning how to solve a rubicks cube and do card magic tricks, currently trying learn more about Photo and Videography to start my media company, some other things that i enjoy are cars and driving ingeneral and i have reasontly been working out and going to the gym and its been helping me a lot mentaly and physically, over all im trying to enjoy the process of things more than the final product.

About Me

Hello, I’m Braden Ivey. I am a first-year student at lane studying for a degree in drafting. Throughout high school, I tried several different elective classes, from percussion to culinary arts, to find out what I really wanted to study for in college. It wasn’t until my sophomore year that I ended up trying the drafting course that they had there. After realizing that I enjoyed drafting, I continued taking as many courses as I could for the remainder of my high school career. Now that I am out of high school and in college, I have gotten to take even more drafting courses and further show to myself that it is something that I enjoy doing and would like to study more.

Outside of school stuff, I enjoy video games. For me, video games are a way that I have used to hang out with my siblings and my friends for years. While I still use it in that way today, it has also recently become a source of competition for me. About three years ago, I started doing speedrunning. Speedrunning is basically taking a video game and trying to beat it as fast as possible and then uploading that speedrun to a leaderboard to try to get the fastest time out of everybody on there. Ever since I started, it has been one of my favorite hobbies to this day. Thanks for reading my post!

By: Braden Ivey

P1 About Me

Hi my names Kaylie! I am a Multimedia Design and Animation sophomore at Lane but slightly behind due to oh so lovely financial aid issues and just general anxiety over “picking the wrong career path”. I have never been super great at introductions mainly since most people already know who I am due to my older brother and just genuine hatred for talking about myself but It is kind of refreshing to introduce myself to people whom I know for sure have no idea who I am and I will most likely never see and or hear from again once we graduate! There is no ill will with that comment, please don’t take it that way! I have a very blunt view to life and it creates a humor style most people do not enjoy. So like I said my names Kaylie, I am 20 years old and I spend most of my free time just relaxing or doing some sort of activity with my friends. I spent a lot of time growing up misusing my free time and not allowing myself to have breaks. It was always go go go for me and as I get older the more I wish I had been allowed to slow down. I am making up for it now though and taking more time to myself. Better late than never right? I hope to finish my program by next summer and then make my way over to OSU to get my BA! I want to work for EA (Electronic Arts aka one of the more well know gaming companies if you’re unfamiliar) once I’m finished with all my schooling so that’s my last stop once I am free from school! Future me is 100% already working so present me just needs to keep n the right path. Manifestation at its finest right? I hope to learn as much as I can these next few weeks and I’m excited to work with all of you!

This is me. My hair is usually all black but for some reason I wanted to try a light brown Ombre thing … yeah never again lol.

About Me

Hello everyone, my name is Quinn Hodges I’m 22 years old and live locally. Currently at Lane, I am working on my degree in computer programming. My hope is to use my degree for video game development, sometime in the future. I’d say I’m a shy person, but I can be kind of outgoing when it comes to people being passionate about the same things that I am also passionate about. Pretty much I’m a classic introvert.  I do like going to my friend’s rock shows and playing video games.   I don’t do too much, other than go to school which can be very enjoyable at times. One of my favorite past times is playing with my dog, Piper, who’s about to turn 1 year old in another month. She is a very sassy purebred black lab that loves hanging out and playing with my sibling’s dogs. When I finish the media arts program, I hope it will give me a better understanding of appealing to people senses in the media world. I guess I’m not too sure yet. This class is an elective that is suggested to students in my degree. It seemed like an interesting class.  I’m not sure if I will be doing the whole program yet, but who knows. since I can’t see the future.

Logan Moscatelli- P1 About Me


My name is Logan Moscatelli and I have been a student at Lane Community College for two years. I am transfering to the University Of Oregon with a major in Public Relations and a minor in sustainable business. I am the youngest daughter of three, and I am very close to my family. I enjoy spending time with friends and family on my free time. I love to cook, read, draw and listen to music. I love to go to music festivals and travel anywhere I have the opportunity to. Traveling has been a big part of my life and I especially love going to the beach. I was born and raised in a ski resort in Colorado named Crested Butte. This is where I picked up loving outdoor activities at such a young age. I still continue to love the outdoors and all the activities it naturally offers. I am excited to be taking this class because I think it will help my media art skills. Prior to taking this class I was not super familiar with media arts, but am looking forward to learning more about it. This class is going to teach me useful skills I can use in my future. I will also be able to use these skills in my future career, as technology is so predominantly used in this day and age.

Introducing Margaret

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Hello! I’m Margaret and my pronouns are they/them. I am a second year Graphic Design student at LCC. I chose to complete the second year of my program of study in two years to have room in my schedule for completing a Multimedia Design certificate as well as a Web Design certificate. I’m a parent to an awesome 3 year old and I’m expecting my second child in October. I’ve been a student at LCC since Winter of 2019. I originally thought I wanted to study psychology. My mind was changed when I took a basic design course and remembered my love of art and creating. I consider myself a maker, although I haven’t been practicing as much as I’d like lately. In my free time I enjoy walks with my child and our dog, Eddy. We recently went to Fall Creek reservoir to hunt for rocks. Once I’ve graduated from LCC in June of 2023, I plan to work in an established design studio to gain hands on experience. Once I’ve learned in an established studio, my plan is to open my own design studio and be my own boss! Thanks for taking the time to get to know me.

by: Margaret Giddens