Category Archives: FALL 2021

Kars, a JoJo’s reference

before i cut off my mullet

Hello! I’m Kars, an autistic, polyamorous, transgender, and aroace animator and illustrator. I’m a huge advocate for queer and disablitity, including mental health, rights. 

I have two cats, Elysium and Asphodel (or Ely and Azzy) who are my world. I wanted to be a funeral director for years, which led me to finding out you need any kind of art degree to become a director, and that pushed me to start at Lane. I started going for Graphic Design, then switched to the Animation program after it was released last year.

Now that I’m in the animation program, I want to stick with it and look for animation jobs in Seattle once I graduate. The dream is to live in the city and do primarily 2D animation. I also think it would be fun to create a dating sim just for the hell of it.

I’m currently watching Berserk, reading Death Note, and listening to Pale Waves and Ghost. My aesthetic tastes vary from battle jackets, all black, and platform shoes to lots of color, especially pink and yellow, and cute accessories. 

I spend a lot of time creating and drawing characters, writing stories for my characters, and forcing my friends to enjoy my characters with me. I currently have a fixation on angels and princely characters in my work.

This is me

Hey I’m Hayden. I am attending LCC to further my knowledge on filmmaking and creative thinking. I am very passionate about all things film. I aspire to become a director in the film industry. It has always been a dream of mine since I was young. I spent time working in Los Angeles working in the film industry. Since this experience I have realized what I am most passionate about and that is being behind the camera. I am a very creative and spontaneous person that is always looking for new ways to create amazing films and take great photos. Often times I will watch a film but then go back later on and watch behind the scenes. This is where I find most of my creativity by watching others. I don’t like to copy other directors but I do like to build off of ideas. Being unique and standing out in your own way is in my eyes the way to go when it comes to being noticed in the industry. In hopes of finishing LCC I hope to discover a new creative side to myself through schooling. I would love to have a better understanding of becoming a creator and allowing my mindset to wonder into becoming a creative filmmaker.

About me


My name is Nina Soldati and I’ve been seriously making videos for about three years, though I was a Windows Movie Maker aficionado as a kid. I moved to Eugene in 2019 to transfer to UO, but ultimately decided to take 3 years off to figure out what I wanted to do.

I didn’t know anyone in town and started making videos to fill my time. I quickly discovered my love for all things related to the video creation process, from content ideation to acting to editing. As more time passed and my abilities improved, I was able to build a following and gain traction as a creator. Through sheer luck, and the right people seeing my videos, I’ve been able to transition my hobby into a side job and have created original content for brands like Amazon, Lenovo, and MOD Pizza.

All that said, I decided to start the Multimedia Design program here at Lane because I want to learn the nitty-gritty details, theories, and technical skills to create larger projects and grow as a creator. I have a lot to learn and I’m 100% ready to put in the work to get the most out of this program. I’m so excited to be able to collaborate with my classmates and push my creative skills as far as they can go!

By: Nina Soldati

Get to Know Me

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Emma Lyddon. I am in my second year attending school at Lane Community College, majoring in Multimedia Design. My main focus is photography, visual literacy, and digital marketing

When I’m not at school, I’m making drinks at Starbucks for my community. I’ve lived in Eugene, Oregon for just about my entire life and have grown to love it here. being surrounded by nature is how I clear my head, capturing those peaceful moments is what fulfills me. On my days off, I enjoy spending my time with my loved ones, roller skating until I can barely stand, and starting crochet projects I will most likely never finish!

I plan on finishing up this school year with a two year Multimedia degree so I can move to Corvallis with my partner and give myself a fresh start. Once I move, I’d like to continue pursuing photography and possibly get a job as a real estate photographer. This year is going to be quite a lot for me so I want to practice staying present and taking the time I have left as a student to fully enjoy what I am learning. I look forward to learning the basic fundamentals of media arts along with getting to know my fellow classmates!

By: Emma Lyddon

About me!

HI! I’m Sam Kruse, one of your classmates in MUL 101. I am taking this class to learn more about media arts, and I’m not fully sure about the degree path I will be taking, but am very interested in the visual aspect of multimedia

I have lived in Eugene almost my whole life, except for two years in Portland when I was born. I hope to gain a solid foundation in design that I can translate into a small business or freelance career.

I didn’t have a lot of stuff going on this summer, but I am currently working as an assistant Manager at Build-a-bear and taking a couple basic art classes this term. 

Fun Facts:

  • My favorite color used to be blue, but green has been getting me on the dl.
  • I have a cat, and he’s absolutely wonderful until the second he gets outside and turns into a feral alley cat who refuses to be picked up.
  • I’m engaged, but absolutely hate the term Fiancee so I just say wife most of the time.
  • My emoji use has gotten out of hand so after typing most sentences of this introduction, I have been wishing I could put in a silly nonchalant emoji to set the vibe.
  • I drive a crappy yellow 2003 Mini Cooper and have had it for about a year. I enjoy how small it is usually, but I’ve been working really hard at being neat so it doesn’t feel cramped inside.

By Sam Kruse

P1 About Me – Kaiden Kuntz

Hi, my name is Kaiden Kuntz. I am currently planning on getting my AAS in Multimedia Design here at Lane, and I hope to find work that relates to illustration and storytelling after I complete my education. In my spare time, I can usually be found reading comic books/graphic novels, watching movies, animating for fun (either stop motion or 2D), drawing, writing, or biking. Speaking of animation, I highly recommend that you watch Primal on Adult Swim if you haven’t seen it. It’s very good!

I am most excited about the wide range of skills that the Multimedia Design program teaches. Although all of my interests have to do with the creative field, I believe that my current ability to draw and whatnot is fairly amateur. I’ve found that I only ever really focus on character design when I draw, so I am hoping that the Multimedia Design program will help me to improve and expand upon my creative abilities in all forms of art. At any given time, I’ve got several ideas for stories that are always floating around my head. It’s now jut a matter of getting good enough at communicating visually in order to be able to put them out into the world.

Me standing in front of some trees.

Anyways, I’ve never made a blog before, so this is all sort of new to me. I am interested to see where all this goes!

By Kaiden Kuntz

about me.


Greetings, I’ve a passion for a number of random things including getting into uncomfortable situations around the world, under-proofing my sourdough loaves and taking the occasional black and white film photo, letting it sit in a random backpack for years and developing it in my bathroom a few years after finishing the roll. I have tried starting business, failed and tried again.

In a previous life I got an AA from LCC transferring to the UO with a BA in Ethnic Studies and a minor obsession with poetry and film classes. After the UO I left the country as fast as humanly possible moving to Thailand where I got an MA in Thai Studies. I’ve learned to write and forgotten to write, learned languages and now also forgotten them, silkscreened and sold t-shirts, worked in numerous random jobs and wandered and taught. Feeling at home while on the move I’ve spent several years taking stock photography and videography as well as written a book sized thesis about discourse analysis using Gramscian and cultural studies theories analysing advertising imagery in Thai lifestyle media. Currently I am attempting to finish my second year of a daily drawing/animation three hundred and sixty five day project.

My dreams from the animation option of the multimedia program is to be able to design, animate and do art on a beach somewhere while saving for a house and small farm in northern Thailand. Essentially to have enough skills to live outside the US but not have to completely rely on English language instruction as a primary career. As such, I hope to start or run my own small multimedia design firm working in realms of the bizarre and strange including games, videos, photos, storytelling, animations and design.


The fear of growing up and the enevitable End.P6-Final Project

The whole process of recording this short video was a blast. I feltt guilty for my camera man, as I had held him hostage and gave him a lot of directions when it came to filming me. of course, the one major difficulty I had while filming was to capture all of the important scenes that required me to have a beard on screen, because once I shaved. It was over. I had the interest to make this film as I had been growing a beard and had people talk about how older it made me appear. I thought about shaving my beard a while a go, but thoght it would be intersting if I had made something with and without facial hair. As interesting was the concept; the following showed to be a challenge. How was I supposed to transition between me without facial hair and with facial hair. Being able to mark ourselves with tape and doing the same gestures helped me be able to slighty redeem the illusion of continuity. I unfortunately hadn’t produced a illusion that i wanted, but the idea to make it appear continuous would have me to black out the screen for a couple of seconds and to edit in the past/ future me. The wether and time was also a tricky obstacle to maneuveras it had to be done fast, or within the same time, weather, or lighting when it came to recording outside. Especially if I had no beard, because it takes TIME to grow, at least for me. I had so much more content recorded for this video. However that would have to remain as a deleted scene lost in media. However as truth be told, this was a fun, funtastic, and marvelous experience I had when making this film. I love creating stories and being able to express myself through media. Being able to do this was such a pleasure and I’m so grateful to had the opportunity to attend this class. Hope you enjoy, and if you’d like some deleted scenes, I wouldn’t mind sharing. With a price of course…Jk ?

Angel Acosta

Final project

I had a plan to create a slight horror film to represent the feeling of a nightmare, but my film quality wasn’t the best so I changed my idea. I decided to draw little moments in life instead. I’ve never done any animation before so I felt extremely out of my comfort zone, it was intimidating and I kind of felt like a child. I deciding to draw everything with a brush that resembled a crayon to make it child like and cartoony. This project was definitely time consuming. So I pieced it together and also showed the drawing process because I thought that was creative.