Category Archives: P2 Riddle

Riddle Me This!

1. One sheet, two-sheet, three sheets or four…some use less and some use more. What am I?

“Toilet Paper”

2. What has arms and legs, but no head?

“Between the cushions”

3. What can’t be burned in a fire nor drowned in water?

“Lapis lazuli and malachite”

4. I have a big mouth and I’m quite a load. I’m not gossip, but I get involved in everyone’s dirty business. What am I?

“Washing machine”

5. Stepping out? Wear me first! I’ll protect your feet from the worst.

“Kenny slips”

6. Tall and strong, I stay outside. The sun, the rain, they’re by my side. I give birds homes and help you breathe. I even give you fruit to eat.

“It’s a tree I swear”

7. Here I come and there I go. I move really fast, anywhere I go. That’s why you take me when you’re in a hurry. When I zoom by, I might look blurry.

“Red means go”

8. Kick up your feet, if you will. I’ll keep you company through Netflix and chill. Though you might not notice, I’m always here, to hold your zines, your snacks, and beer.

“Very clean, not so clean table

9. You say we’re pals, that we’re best friends. But only until the morning ends. You say I give you fuel for the day. And when we’re done, you’re gone away.  

“The devils coffee”

10. Don’t frown at me, I made it clear. Won’t make a difference if you’re near. Just stand in front and I’ll show you exactly how the world will know you.

“Guess who’s back… Back again….”

The Riddler’s Field Day

One sheet, two-sheet, three sheets or four…some use less and some use more. What am I?

The answer is “Paper”!

What has arms and legs, but no head?

The answer is “A Chair”!

What can’t be burned in a fire nor drowned in water?

The answer is “Ice”! Ice merely melts in fire, as opposed to burning. And in water, ice floats!

I have a big mouth and I’m quite a load. I’m not gossip, but I get involved in everyone’s dirty business. What am I?

The answer is “Washing Machine!”

Stepping out? Wear me first! I’ll protect your feet from the worst.

The answer is “Shoes”!

Tall and strong, I stay outside. The sun, the rain, they’re by my side. I give birds homes and help you breathe. I even give you fruit to eat.

The answer is “Trees”!

Here I come and there I go. I move really fast, anywhere I go. That’s why you take me when you’re in a hurry. When I zoom by, I might look blurry.

The answer is “Cars”!

Kick up your feet, if you will. I’ll keep you company through Netflix and chill. Though you might not notice, I’m always here, to hold your zines, your snacks, and beer.

The answer is “Coffee Table”!

You say we’re pals, that we’re best friends. But only until the morning ends. You say I give you fuel for the day. And when we’re done, you’re gone away.  

The answer is “Bed”!

Don’t frown at me, I made it clear. Won’t make a difference if you’re near. Just stand in front and I’ll show you exactly how the world will know you.

The answer is “Mirror”!

Riddle Me This!

One sheet, two-sheet, three sheets or four…some use less and some use more. What am I?

Yay… Toilet paper.

What has arms and legs, but no head?

A sofa!

What can’t be burned in a fire nor drowned in water?


I have a big mouth and I’m quite a load. I’m not gossip, but I get involved in everyone’s dirty business. What am I?

A washing machine!

Stepping out? Wear me first! I’ll protect your feet from the worst.


Tall and strong, I stay outside. The sun, the rain, they’re by my side. I give birds homes and help you breathe. I even give you fruit to eat.

A tree!

Here I come and there I go. I move really fast, anywhere I go. That’s why you take me when you’re in a hurry. When I zoom by, I might look blurry.

A car!

Kick up your feet, if you will. I’ll keep you company through Netflix and chill. Though you might not notice, I’m always here, to hold your zines, your snacks, and beer.

A coffee table!

You say we’re pals, that we’re best friends. But only until the morning ends. You say I give you fuel for the day. And when we’re done, you’re gone away.  

Mmm… Iced coffee

 Don’t frown at me, I made it clear. Won’t make a difference if you’re near. Just stand in front and I’ll show you exactly how the world will know you.

My reflection…

By: Liah Craven

Riddle Me This!

One sheet, two-sheet, three sheets or four…some use less and some use more. What am I?

Toilet paper… kinda weird.

What has arms and legs, but no head?

A couch. Pretty basic.

What can’t be burned in a fire nor drowned in water?

Snow! This is on the mountains in Riddle OR.

I have a big mouth and I’m quite a load. I’m not gossip, but I get involved in everyone’s dirty business. What am I?

Washer! My mom got a new washer and dryer this week after 9 years.

Stepping out? Wear me first! I’ll protect your feet from the worst.

Shoes. These are my new J1’s.

Tall and strong, I stay outside. The sun, the rain, they’re by my side. I give birds homes and help you breathe. I even give you fruit to eat.

Tree! These are actually from my trip to Hawaii. Bayan Trees!

Here I come and there I go. I move really fast, anywhere I go. That’s why you take me when you’re in a hurry. When I zoom by, I might look blurry.

A car! This is my car, Rome.

Kick up your feet, if you will. I’ll keep you company through Netflix and chill. Though you might not notice, I’m always here, to hold your zines, your snacks, and beer.

Coffee table. I do not own a table or a coffee table so here’s a free stock image. Sorry.

You say we’re pals, that we’re best friends. But only until the morning ends. You say I give you fuel for the day. And when we’re done, you’re gone away.  

Coffee. Here’s my macchiato and my cousins frappe. I dropped mine shortly after this was taken. lol.

 Don’t frown at me, I made it clear. Won’t make a difference if you’re near. Just stand in front and I’ll show you exactly how the world will know you.

A mirror. This is me at work.

Photo By Arad

Never thought I would look up at a “Toilet Paper”
I would like to know how this looks in fire “stone/crystal”
Ready to get to into the Dirty business “Washer”
looking from the ground up, “Shoes”
seems a little Blurry “car”
this one turned out better than I imagined “table”
This one didn’t “coffee”
I like the “Reflection”

By: Arad Razaghi

Photos by Jake

Here is a picture of a roll of toilet paper sitting on the banister of my stairs. Thrilling! (Riddle 1, Toilet Paper)
This chair was much heavier than it looks. (Riddle 2, Chair)
This picture of ice that I dumped in the driveway looked a lot better before I rounded the edges, but for the sake of consistency, I will live with it. (Riddle 3, Ice)
I considered taking the dryer picture from the inside, however, I am too big and my little brother was not home. (Riddle 4, Dryer)
Ironically, I got another pair of shoes very dirty while on my way to take this picture. (Riddle 5, Shoes)
This is either a tree, or an extremely bad case of eczema. (Riddle 6, Tree)
You have no idea how much garbage is hidden inside of this thing. (Riddle 7, Car)
I can’t come up with a caption for this one. (Riddle 8, Table)
That coffee mug is actually empty, I wasn’t going to make fresh coffee just to take a picture of it. (Riddle 9, Coffee)
If you’re ever unsure of how to take a good picture of something, just set it outside, it always helps. (Riddle 10, Mirror)

By, Jake Burton.

Riddle me this

One sheet, two-sheet, three sheets or four…some use less and some use more. What am I?

coins on a forgotten napkin

What has arms and legs, but no head?

zoomed in digital clock 4:00

What can’t be burned in a fire nor drowned in water?

I have a big mouth and I’m quite a load. I’m not gossip, but I get involved in everyone’s dirty business. What am I?

I interpreted this as a vacuum, this is a panorama photo

Stepping out? Wear me first! I’ll protect your feet from the worst

The goal was to make it look like one of those sock ads

Tall and strong, I stay outside. The sun, the rain, they’re by my side. I give birds homes and help you breathe. I even give you fruit to eat.

branch of a tree, taken on my trip when I traveled to Athens
taken in a Famous Garden on my spring break

Here I come and there I go. I move really fast, anywhere I go. That’s why you take me when you’re in a hurry. When I zoom by, I might look blurry

I took the opposite photo/ instead of taking a picture of a car/ I took a photo from inside of a car revealing what one would see

Kick up your feet, if you will. I’ll keep you company through Netflix and chill. Though you might not notice, I’m always here, to hold your zines, your snacks, and beer.

You say we’re pals, that we’re best friends. But only until the morning ends. You say I give you fuel for the day. And when we’re done, you’re gone away. 


 Don’t frown at me, I made it clear. Won’t make a difference if you’re near. Just stand in front and I’ll show you exactly how the world will know you.

Some of these photos I already had in my camera roll others I had an interesting time attempting to capture my interpretation of these riddles.

Quinn Final Project

Ridic was the first to come up with the idea to make a skit about newscasters, and we wrote the entire script over the phone. Most of the production work naturally fell on ridic because he had better access to filming equipment and the relative complexity of his scenes. Because of this I did the majority of post production. During filming I created a news intro in blender and made Ridic’s background photo using the same file. Then I shot my scenes with help and equipment from ridic. After Ridic cleaned up the raw audio I put all of the clips together and added the music and effects to make the final product.

In the end, working with a partner taught me a lot about the actual process of filmmaking, how to work with a team, and how to complete a project you don’t have full control over.

Police voice: Joshua Van Horn.
Please standby effect:

P5 Quinn

Most of my favorite movies have plots that sound completely stupid on paper, but have a nearly perfect execution that makes them profound. I figured I would take a shot at something like this when I’m young and no one cares. So I decided to make a surreal (and thankfully exaggerated) video about my experience doing VFX in blender. I started with recording most of the live action stuff first, then doing some screen capture with shadowplay. About a third of the way through I had to re-format my hard drive to avoid a major computer catastrophe. Nearly giving me a heart attack and wasting almost a full day of my time. I spent more time than I expected to on editing because I wanted to emulate the heavily edited montage like style of directors like Guy Ritchie.