I spent a really long time trying to figure out what I should do for a project around the concept of “5”. Ideas of 5 different objects to what 5 o’clock means to people, my brain felt scattered for ideas. Ended up trying to capture the 5 senses in photographic form. I had a surprising amount of fun creating these photographs. Each photo was it’s own “adventure” to take and edit, but with that being said there was defiantly some that turned out better than others. Sight and Taste were my favorite to take. I checked out a 60mm macro lens and messed around to see how I could portray those senses. The eye was a self portrait that took several attempts to get and strawberry was me trying to capture as much texture as possible. Touch and Sound were honestly really difficult to think of for me. The goal of each was similar to taste and was to capture a lot of detail with the subject. Then lastly, smell was the photo I was least proud of. The idea behind it was the “smell of flowers” but I also wanted to keep on the theme of partial black and white. So while I really liked the composition of the photo, I’d probably edit it differently.
Category Archives: 2023 SPRING
P5-Mason Perkins
I had fun making P5, I wanna do more with it but that’s for later. I’d like to, expanding on the theme of five, make 4 more images, one without the giant, one with it forming, the one that’s made, one with the city mid explosion after the star is taken, and the city destroyed. Then I could edit them together in sequence and the video could be longer and not rely so heavily on premiere editing for visual storytelling. With that being said I like what I came up with my limitations withstanding. I researched and found out Danse Mascarabe Is copyright free in the US, It’s one of my favorite orchestral performances and I’m glad I could use it. It was fun getting out of my comfort zone for this project because I don’t paint things in color often, I need to practice that more, but doing it for this I can see I have a ways to go for color painting, with more time it would be more refined but more paintings in general will help me find a comfortability with playing with color and light in paintings.
The painting is composed of five colors, yellow, blue, purple, and orange. The painting is of a constellation giant coming to loom over a golden city in a dark desert and taking a star from the sky, leading to the city to be destroyed. Stars are five pointed shapes in their generic symbol form but I chose to not draw any five pointed stars so that choice wouldn’t be so obvious.
P5 – Image Edit
What does the word five mean to me? well for me it’s not more than a number but the first thought that came to my mind was, how often do we see the number five within our everyday life? so I decided to go out with my old film camera and shoot some 500 speed film on 5th avenue photographing all the fives I could find. Overall this was a super fun project for me. Often times when I am shooting photography especially film I have a tendency to overanalyze what I’m shooting, trying to get the perfect shot as not to waste my 36 exposures. However, this project forced me to step back a little while also staying within a set theme. Which caused me to relax and not focus so hard on all my photos being perfect. Instead I was just able to just have fun walking around shooting the number five…
P5 The 5 Senses (Alex Seydel)


P5 Image Editing
By Jacob Bates
Going into my girlfriend’s 21st birthday party, I thought it would be the perfect time to try out my new vintage video camera. I wanted to try my hand at composing in 4:3, as well as working with a larger camera, and candid video was a whole new ballpark for me. The batteries for this camera didn’t work, so every shot taken was while it was plugged into a wall outlet, slightly limiting how I could take video. I really do enjoy what I made though, I recorded 45 minutes of footage over the night, capturing a lot of really wonderful moments. It was a great exercise to get reacquainted with Premiere Pro as well, I haven’t used it in almost a year. I edited that 45 minute video into just nine minutes of footage, which was a real test of picking out just the best moments. I then had to cut that down to just two minutes for this assignment, which I think is a good trailer for all the footage.
I also had a problem with my video recorder I used to digitize the footage, leaving me with unusable audio. I decided to scrap it completely in favor of music, which gave it a really cool, nostalgic look that fit very well. I’m very happy with how it turned out and I hope that I can continue making videos like this for myself and potentially for other people.
Jordan Test
P5 assignment
by: Allisa Olsen
Pets, most of us have at least one, I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, and a hamster but someone didn’t make the cut due to the assignment being in numbers of 5. Don’t worry the older dog will be shown in a later assignment. For this assignment, I picked the pets with the most prominent personalities to rate them on a scale of 1-10. For example, my cat Mushu is beautiful and intelligent but he’s so smart he gets bored fast and creates chaos. Balancing out the pros and cons of my pets will determine an accurate rating. My mother would also agree with the ratings too, as most of the things that are destroyed by the pets are her belongings, unfortunately. In the video, I have presented as I said before the pets with the most personalities.
The video includes Jett the purebred black lab, yes I said purebred because no one believes it, because of his size but he is just a gentle giant. The 2nd animal featured will be the animal I used in the example above, Mushu he doesn’t need an introduction he’s just chaotic. The 3rd animal would be the lovely Sulley, there’s nothing past those blue eyes, no thought process at all. And the 4th animal is another cat, Miso which is the first cat we adopted. If you want to know the 5th animal you are going to have to watch the video he’s the best pet in the house.
RTN: Mike Lazzo

VP of Programming at Cartoon Network
P4 Audio

In this audio, I was trying to get a simple soothing bedtime story. I had a lot of trouble with audible and had to use a lot of different systems to get it to work. I wanted some calm music for the background and I think it is pretty good. I could not get any sound effects I wanted. This was my first time working with audio and I learned a lot of new things and found out some ideas for the next time I will be using audio. It took me about six hours to edit all of it. I could not find a good website that had all the things I needed but I still think I did well. Also at the end, the sound gets really loud. I tried to fix it but could not find out how.
480 BCE
By Indy