Category Archives: P1 About Me

P4 Audio Bridget Holst

This project takes place from the POV of an office worker. The worker likes their job but one of their co-workers is a skeleton named Boney. Boney is productive and nice but because he’s a skeleton, his bones are obnoxiously loud.

Initially for this project I was just going to read an Aesop fable, but as I was timing myself reading them I found that they all took me less than a minute to read and I don’t think adding sound effects and music would have increased the time enough to go over the 1 minute minimum. So I had to create my own story that had to go on for at least a minute.

This was hard for me because I’m not a very creative person when it comes to creating stories, especially for an assignment. Early on in my brainstorming process I knew that I kind of wanted my story to be comedy because it would be the best way for me to progress the plot and add sound effects. Later in my brainstorming I decided to make the main character a skeleton because it’s October and I thought it would be funny to have a skeleton just doing everyday things. Initially I was going to have the skeleton in a park but I didn’t really have any ideas to continue it. I was talking about the project to my dad and he suggested that the skeleton should work at an office and be very loud. This gave me a better idea of what I should do for my project, both for the plot and the sound effects. This project made me realize the benefits of bouncing your ideas off of other people and just trying to come up with something by yourself.

I recorded and edited the audio files using Adobe Audition. I’ve been learning how to use Audition in another class so I thought using Audition for this assignment would give me more experience with it. Before this assignment I was technically able to use Audition well but only with step-by-step instructions but using the information I already know to record and edit sound made me much more comfortable using Audition than I was before, without specific instructions.

By: Bridget Holst

P4 Audio By Esteban W

By: Esteban W

I chose to come up with a quick guided meditation exercise for this assignment! I wanted to do something different than most, I took the time to produce, record and compose the sounds, voice and music that appears in the track. I used Ableton Live Suite as my Digital audio work station to create this track. I used multiple layers in order to create the ambient atmosphere I also used special effects to make my voice sound more full. I hope you enjoy! To re cord the Voice I used my professional amped microphone with my audio interface and recorded high quality voice samples that I used in my assignment.

The fox & the stork

For my P4 audio I actually started on another idea but that required some voice actors who ended up not having time to do it so I had to rethink what I wanted to do. I decided to go for a fable and try to record my own sound effects as much as I could. I think this actually worked out for the better since I am not super familiar with audio and the audio softwares which you can probably tell. The sound effects are a bit low I realized.. But I learned a lot doing this and it was a lot of fun. For the script I didn’t have to write anything since I am simply reading one of Aesop’s fabels, for the sound effects I recorded myself and my parents and the music is from Adobe’s website.

(I ran a bit late on drawing the image and apparently also drew it in the wrong format for Soundcloud since it got cropped but there was no time to fix this so it is what it is..)

P4 Audio By Dennis Pak

This is a “radio ad” about Kirkland Signature Energy Shot Extra Strength. Clearly, this is not meant to be taken seriously.

What I was trying to accomplish in this assignment is completing both the project & expressing how I interpreted the project at hand. Not only was I able to meet the requirements, but also portray my humor & technical skills as well.

First, the premise of my project is an “ad” for Kirkland Signature Energy Shot Extra Strength, a caffeine booster I take during the morning & sometimes in the afternoon.

Moving on, I noticed that according to the Moodle page, it had three options. This is between Creating a digital story about any topic of my your choosing, using Aesop’s fables, and & create a Radio Advertisement or a Public Service Announcement. Since I had no interest in the second option, I decided to combine both the first & third option. 

After getting approval for my idea from Instructor Hughes, I started to work on my story/radio advertisement. Since time was the essence, I decided to go use Final Cut Pro instead of the Adobe Suite products since I’m quite familiar with FCP. Therefore I was able to get the necessary assets for my project without needing to constantly remind myself on what the steps were to use for Premier Pro.

I will admit that some of the assets were difficult to obtain. An example of this is trying to get the foot slip noise. The closest I came was a basketball slip. To have it make sense for my Story/Ad, I reedited the sound to the best of my ability to make it sound like the character slipped in his kitchen.

Once I settled with a cut, I then exported to Adobe Audition to fine tune it. Then uploaded to my Soundcloud. As of this writing, I hope my peers will find this piece enjoyable.

Which is what I was aiming for in this project: Enjoyability. At a time where students are roughly halfway through the term, I wanted to remind everyone that it’s okay to take a break & find things that comfort them. And I hope my Story/Ad is one of those things. 

P4 Audio Tristan Adams

By: Tristan Adams
I wanted to try and outside feel and something dramatic that hints at apocalypse in the world. Maybe the poem has come to fruition being hinted at a large event happened to the world similar to the poem that the character had experienced.

P4 Audio

 For my P4 audio I was trying to create a small skit with my characters I had a couple of interesting ideas but I ultimately went with a surprise research idea where one of my characters interrupts some precious research of one of my other characters but because of the time crunch it was only with one character of mine and a random voice I decided to do. My experience with the assignment was a lot of fun choosing the specific audio pieces I wanted to end up using and placing and moving the actual audio parts around was a lot of fun allowing me to use my creative mind to do whatever I wanted for 1 to 3 minutes when it came to recording my voice it was a lot of fun to do as well I had to redo it a couple of times just to get the right voice down and it still sounds a bit off but with my time crunch it sounds wonderful as is.  The script is kind of just thrown together in bits and pieces just a kind who makes something work It was heavily rough around the edges but with a little bit of time messing with the silence I managed to get it to work pretty well.


by JD Rodejo

My life revolves around being a husband, going to school, sometimes working for Lane’s Multimedia department, growing and improving my photography and cherishing my (possibly) last year of drag. My own show has gotten so much success that I cannot express my gratitude enough. Overlapping my school work with the other responsibilities I have in life makes juggling them all at the same time a bit easier. Hence, this radio ad for the next show. I purely used Audacity for both editing and recording. I have not been the biggest fan of audio editing, My AUD120 class solidified that. Mel Stark, my professor, was amazing and extremely knowledgeable about sound design but audio is just not for me. So, the most difficult part is finding the motivation to start this project. With radio ads, It is my understanding that the most important part of it is the dialogue. I wanted to put more sound effects in it but they ended up being too distracting so I settled with a background music and limited sound effects. I first started with a script to make sure all the details about the show are there, from a brief description of the show, the mechanics and how to apply to the date, time and location. I looked up upbeat music from Youtube that says no copyright/free use and I found the perfect background audio. I then went to to grab the sound effects. The logo I used is a logo I made for the show so that was a very convenient step. I do prefer using Audition as I am more familiar with how to manipulate my voice or even add echo to some of the words I have used.

P4 Audio: Pretend Podcast

Name: Pretend Podcast by Lady Diaz

About: You are listening to the last minute of a random mystery episode from a pretend podcast.


Non Dialogue audio-

Music by The Pop Winds-

Dialogue: Lady Diaz

P4 Audio: Duncan is the funniest alive

I felt like doing something extremely goofy for this assignment, so what I decided on doing was a stand-up comedy routine and have the audience be extremely overly enthusiastic about my jokes. This wasn’t absurd enough for me though, so the audience also starts cheering just a little bit too early, drowning out the punchline for each joke. I thought it was funny to imply that everyone thought the buildup to the joke was the funny part and not the punchline. When it came to the actual jokes themselves, I just asked Chat GPT for jokes. The jokes it gave me sucked, so I asked it to make them all cookie cutter jokes that start with “What do you call…”, since the beginning of the joke was really all that mattered anyways. Some of the ones it gave me didn’t make any sense but I used them anyways. I wasn’t sure how I was going to include music without it feeling too chaotic, so I decided to lean into the chaos and have everything devolve at the end with a horse getting loose and trampling the audience members. I recorded some dialogue in the background to give the audience some idle chatter too. I said some ridiculous things that are hard to make out but every now and then one of the strange things I said bleeds through if you are listening closely. My boyfriend listened to me record all the voices for this and he thought I sounded crazy. Overall I had lots of fun making this, I think it turned out really stupid but the kind of stupid that makes me laugh. I am also glad I got more experience with Adobe Audition as that’s a program I have basic experience in but want to use more.

By Duncan Gustina

P4 Audio: Johnny Philipini Show Episode 17: Rodney Dangerfield

My goal for this assignment was to create something that kept people guessing. I wanted the audience to wonder what was really going on behind the curtains. Is it a talk show? Where is it? Is anyone really watching? Who exactly IS Johnny Philipini? All questions I have no business giving answers to. It’s all about, you guessed it, your magical interpretation. A magician never reveals his tricks…. Myyeehh… What I will reveal, however, is the fact that I had a lot of fun with this assignment. I’ll take any excuse to talk like Rodney Dangerfield, that guy was a legend. I watched some of his stand-up on Johnny Carson for the first time a few weeks ago, which I believe was the inspiration for the whole talk-show type premise. It was also, obviously, the inspiration to include Dangerfield as a character. Mister Philipini’s voice was basically me doing my best Marlon Brando if Marlon Brando were a Jimmy Fallon type of character. Well, actually that’s not quite true. It’s more of a mix of Marlon Brando and this character from the TV show Home Movies, Junior, who is essentially a Brando parody himself. I did this project using Audacity and Premiere Pro. The vocals were done in Audacity and the more complicated techy stuff was done in Premiere.