Category Archives: P1 About Me

P1 About Me, Sandra

I love photography, and going on long random road trips where I get to experience something new and capture it with my camera.  I also like sewing small projects, my most recent project was making some curtains for my kids’ windows upstairs, so they can play their PS5 without any interference from bright daylight on their tv screen.  But the most recent hobby I picked up is leatherwork. It’s amazing how much goes into leather work, but the finished product is very satisfying to look at, knowing it was made with your own hands.  

I was hesitant to go back to school after 13 long years, but I found the courage to finally put myself first, and ask what would make me happy at this point in my life.  I always wanted to finish school, I just wasn’t sure for what, but I have to act fast because I’m not getting any younger, but I still don’t feel too old either. 

I’m majoring in Multimedia Design with Web Design, and I don’t have an exact direction of where I want to take this, but I know it’s all going to be a great ride, and I’m looking forward to the good, the bad and the ugly. 

by: Sandra Osorio

About Me! – By: Mary K

Hey! My name Is Mary Kirkpatrick. I’m currently following the Multimedia Design: Animation degree here at LCC. I was a Programming major last year here at Lane, but decided to switch and see if I liked art any better. Programming/Computer Science are both very interesting and can be fun, but I’m just better at being creative and artsy. I hope to one day get to work in the Games Industry, either making concept art, character designs/animation, or similar.

I have tons of Hobbies. Some I have are playing video games (obviously), drawing, cosplay, and 3d printing.

A few of my favorite video games have to be Dark Souls, Halo, Doom, Pokemon (especially the Mystery Dungeon Series), Overwatch, Mario Kart, and Destiny. I play almost all genres of games, and tend to hop to different games every month or so. I play a lot of Minecraft and Fall Guys with friends, they can be pretty good games to play when hanging out with people.

As for drawing, I usually prefer drawing digitally, but traditional art can be a nice difference. I try to post my art to my Instagram as a way to see my own progress. I would love to do commissions for people some day, and maybe sell some stickers of my art online too.

Cosplay and 3d printing kind of go hand to hand with each other. I love printing out props and armor for costumes, and painting them all. To be able to see where you started, from nothing, and eventually create a full costume is insane. For the past half a year or so, I have been making a Boba Fett cosplay for a convention coming up. I also like printing out different figures to paint and put on my shelves.

Hope this blog post helps you get to know me better. I am excited to meet new people and see what we learn in this class!

Just Another Confused College Kid


My name is Kaitlyn Harper (no nicknames, thank you very much) and I am currently enrolled in the Multimedia Design (Animation Track) program at Lane Community College. I’m a lifelong Eugene resident who has visited more European countries than American states, but that’s easy to say, considering that I’ve barely traveled. This year marks my second attempt at college; last year I was an anthropology student at OSU who decided that maybe spending thousands of dollars on a four-year degree wasn’t quite worth it.

Upon completion of my degree, I plan to join the video game industry, likely as some form of animated asset creator. My goal is to work my way over into story development. Telling stories is integral to my life. I’m originally a writer, not an artist, but I’m hoping to strengthen my skills so that I can visualize my ideas in a tangible format and present them to other people. Presenting any of my current ideas involves an hour of rambling at minimum, plus any side tangents that I get distracted on, like the differences between Faenlen and Faenhyr or the intricacies of hairstyles present in the as-yet-unnamed dynastic Vyrliat that existed a few hundred years before the story that I was originally trying to plot.

In my free time, I volunteer with both the Hult Center and the Oregon State University Marching Band. I absolutely love the world of performing arts and pageantry arts. As a consequence, I’ll support the Beavers over the Ducks any day! My photo comes from the first gameday of this season, hence the orange and black.

As a parting note, I just wanted to mention that the headscarf I wear is not a hijab. I recognize that it looks similar at times, but it is not, and I wear it for hair loss reasons. I look a bit like an egg without it. I don’t want to look like an egg.

Kars, a JoJo’s reference

before i cut off my mullet

Hello! I’m Kars, an autistic, polyamorous, transgender, and aroace animator and illustrator. I’m a huge advocate for queer and disablitity, including mental health, rights. 

I have two cats, Elysium and Asphodel (or Ely and Azzy) who are my world. I wanted to be a funeral director for years, which led me to finding out you need any kind of art degree to become a director, and that pushed me to start at Lane. I started going for Graphic Design, then switched to the Animation program after it was released last year.

Now that I’m in the animation program, I want to stick with it and look for animation jobs in Seattle once I graduate. The dream is to live in the city and do primarily 2D animation. I also think it would be fun to create a dating sim just for the hell of it.

I’m currently watching Berserk, reading Death Note, and listening to Pale Waves and Ghost. My aesthetic tastes vary from battle jackets, all black, and platform shoes to lots of color, especially pink and yellow, and cute accessories. 

I spend a lot of time creating and drawing characters, writing stories for my characters, and forcing my friends to enjoy my characters with me. I currently have a fixation on angels and princely characters in my work.

Self Introduction, Max Ryan

Howdy, my name is Max Ryan. I am a second year student at Lane, currently pursuing an associates degree in multimedia design (animation option), and hoping to continue my education past LCC post graduation and to find a good art institute to polish off my education. I was born and raised in Eugene Oregon with my 4 brothers, of which 3 have already gone to/through lane ahead of me.

I am a freelance artist, illustrator hoping to finish creating my own webcomic in the near future. I do commissions, and have been practicing art seriously for close to 7 years at this point, drawing nearly everyday albeit pen/paper, or digital. I aspire to work for a large animation/comic company, or to even start my own; A simple goal to do what I want and get paid for it, I want to have my own cartoon or comic read/watched by millions of people. The things I enjoy drawing the most are character pieces, and I love character designing, however I have discovered that I have a knack for logo design and pop art through commissions I have done.

(some examples of my digital commissions)

This is me

Hey I’m Hayden. I am attending LCC to further my knowledge on filmmaking and creative thinking. I am very passionate about all things film. I aspire to become a director in the film industry. It has always been a dream of mine since I was young. I spent time working in Los Angeles working in the film industry. Since this experience I have realized what I am most passionate about and that is being behind the camera. I am a very creative and spontaneous person that is always looking for new ways to create amazing films and take great photos. Often times I will watch a film but then go back later on and watch behind the scenes. This is where I find most of my creativity by watching others. I don’t like to copy other directors but I do like to build off of ideas. Being unique and standing out in your own way is in my eyes the way to go when it comes to being noticed in the industry. In hopes of finishing LCC I hope to discover a new creative side to myself through schooling. I would love to have a better understanding of becoming a creator and allowing my mindset to wonder into becoming a creative filmmaker.

About me


My name is Nina Soldati and I’ve been seriously making videos for about three years, though I was a Windows Movie Maker aficionado as a kid. I moved to Eugene in 2019 to transfer to UO, but ultimately decided to take 3 years off to figure out what I wanted to do.

I didn’t know anyone in town and started making videos to fill my time. I quickly discovered my love for all things related to the video creation process, from content ideation to acting to editing. As more time passed and my abilities improved, I was able to build a following and gain traction as a creator. Through sheer luck, and the right people seeing my videos, I’ve been able to transition my hobby into a side job and have created original content for brands like Amazon, Lenovo, and MOD Pizza.

All that said, I decided to start the Multimedia Design program here at Lane because I want to learn the nitty-gritty details, theories, and technical skills to create larger projects and grow as a creator. I have a lot to learn and I’m 100% ready to put in the work to get the most out of this program. I’m so excited to be able to collaborate with my classmates and push my creative skills as far as they can go!

By: Nina Soldati