Category Archives: P1 About Me

Interesting scraps of information

When stars die, they go out in a blaze of glory. When I was twelve years old, I planned out my death in detail. I would light a tightrope on fire and string it above Niagara falls, then attempt to walk across it on my hands. By my reasoning, I would inevitably fail in this endeavor and thus, earn remembrance. A legacy. This dream has evolved past a flashy end as I have gotten older however, the many brushes with death have morphed my need to shine into a need to build something that will outlive me. I make art in order to keep getting up every day. I paint for hours, and I write poetry, and essays. I learn languages and I sing when I do the dishes. I am very invested in living, because I have tasted mortality.

I am a boxer, I have flown planes a few times, and I am a really bad cook. I speak Spanish which I learned from my Madrina, and I once shot an arrow into the siding of our house because my aim is so bad. I have lived a lot of lives and I have friends in a lot of places. I read books all the time, and I know a concerning amount about the 1453 Ottoman Turk siege of Constantinople. Oh and my name is Indy (Yes I was named after Indiana Jones) and I am seventeen.

By; Indy

Who is she…

Hello, I am Allisa Olsen, but most people can’t pronounce my name correctly so I’ve always gone by Alli. 

I’m currently twenty years old, born and raised in Eugene. Living in Eugene for me is blissful, only because I live outside the busy parts of the city. I love where I live, it’s convenient for me to live outside the city because I am five minutes from Lane Community College. I am learning a lot about myself and the fields I want to further myself. I am currently enrolled at Lane with a major in Criminal Justice. With my degree, Then I would go on to Portland University to get a bachelor’s degree. Criminal justice is my passion, and I want to protect people and communities. I think I was put on this earth and my mission was to be selfless and give to those who are in need. I think getting a job with my Criminal Justice degree will be able to help fulfill my life mission. 

I’m taking this course with an open mind having little information about the subject and hoping to further my knowledge in this field. With the new information I will get from this class I’m excited to apply it outside the classroom. 

By: Allisa Olsen

A bit about me!

By Jordan Smith

My name is Jordan Smith (definitely not a fake last name). I like to do a lot of things, I often go a little into a hobby, and either drop it or keep it. And sometimes I’ll go deeper. Some of the main ones I have really dug into were roleplaying and Dungeon and Dragons(and other ttrpgs as well). I have been playing DnD since sophomore year of high school (6 years nearly) and I still like to play it as it helps express my creative side. Like I said, I also have some hobbies that I’ve not gotten as deep into, like picross (also known as nonogram) and a few side projects using programs like vroid studio and image editing software.

Admittedly as I said in class on the first day, I am not in this class for a degree so I guess I will talk about what I want to do when I complete my computer science degree. I personally want to have a job working as an IT, I just really find fixing stuff especially with computers satisfying and I know as technology grows, more problems will come with it. I look forward to seeing this field grow with my skill and the challenges that it brings. 

The Real Zoe~

“Be a reason someone believes in good people”

-Karen Salmansohn-

Hi everyone, my full name is Nguyen Thi Thanh Thao but I usually go by Zoe. I’m an international student from Vietnam and I’m currently taking Multimedia Design 1-year Certificate at Lane and I’m planning to take Web Design 1-year Certificate next Fall 2023.

So who am I? That’s really good question because I usually ask myself this kind of questions and I’m on the way to find who I am, what my mission to come to this universe. That’s why I decided to leave Vietnam and came to the States 4 years ago to pursue higher education. Let me talk a little bit about my background. I came to Lane in 2019 and started ESL classes for 6 months and I took 2 years to complete my Business Administration degree. After graduating, I got offer from International Programs office at Lane for Administration support specialist position, so I started to work there since 2021 until now. I really enjoy to work and communicate with staff and students come from different countries to know more about their cultures. The reason why I decided to back to school with Multimedia design major is because I was interesting in making videos, creating foley, etc. It’s totally a new field for me to switch from Business major to Multimedia design but I’m happy that I don’t scare to try new things. About my hobbies, I can say I spend a lot of time to watch K-drama. “The glory” is the newest drama I watched and it’s really good. I think this drama is still on top #10 of Netflix. You should check it out! One of my favorite activities is walking and getting close with nature. I can feel healing whenever I look at sunset or diversity nature. If you know any places have a great view, please DM me, I love to check it out!

by: Zoe

P1 About me

By Jacob Bates

Hello, I’ve been at Lane Community College for almost two years taking the Multimedia Design program. I really enjoy photography and movies, and I like to take pictures on my film cameras. I like the physical process of buying a mechanical camera, loading it up and being selective with how I take pictures. I haven’t been getting out much lately to take pictures though, as I’ve been inside a lot listening to music and playing video games.

I really like collecting older video games and consoles and I’ve been playing a lot of Animal Crossing: Wild World this week. I’ve also gotten back into skateboarding, and it’s very nice to get outside and be active more often lately, especially while listening to an album in my headphones. I have listened to a lot of Ween and Talking Heads in the last month, I enjoy finding new and unique music a lot.

After I’m finished with this program I’d like to become a freelance photographer, or help work with editing on production crews for movies/shows. I may also go into music as I have a lot of friends that play instruments and I think I would like to have a creative outlet like that as a job for a long time.

A little about me!

Hello! My name is Lemoni Genosar, and I use she/her or they/them pronouns.

I’ve lived in Eugene for 6 years and before that I lived in Seattle, Israel, and Colorado. Last year, I graduated from South Eugene High School. I’m currently in my first year at Lane and am working towards a degree in Multimedia Design. For fun, I love to partake in all sorts of creative mediums such as crocheting, sewing, and digital arts. I also love fashion and makeup. I’ve always had artistic hobbies since I was a kid.

When I finish my degree, I’m not quite certain what my plan will be. As of now, I’m considering continuing my education at a 4 year university. There are many things I want to learn about that will simply not be possible with my limited time at Lane Community College. I would really love to travel the world before continuing school, but I want to travel in a way that involves my career so that I can continue to grow my portfolio while seeing the world. Career-wise, I don’t have my heart set on one single position. There are roles that interest me in all stages of production, from creative directing to editing. As of now, I know I want my job to combine my love of fashion, culture, and media arts.

by: Ana McCartney

Hey my name is Ana (like from frozen). My pronouns are she/they and this is my first term back to school after taking a 3 year break from the University of Utah. In my free time I love to play with my cat Ophelia and doom scroll. I also occasionally stream on twitch so I am excited to see how this class will upgrade my production. I moved to Oregon almost two years ago and love it! I love how we are so close to the ocean but also to the mountains. Oregon is the third state I have lived in, the others being Utah and California. Almost a year ago I adopted my best friend Ophelia who likes to watch everything I do. She is a grey tabby with long fur and loves to play. While I am at work she will sit and stare out the window and watch the birds. While I am out of my apartment I am usually at work where I thankfully made a bunch of friends who helped me get used to Oregon and show me around. I am excited to be back in school because I want to be here rather than feeling like I need to be here. It makes assignments and classes easier and fun. 

All About Kyrsten

Hello world,

My name is Kyrsten Crittenden, but I like to use Eli or Virgil as my preferred name. I love art and it’s many forms. I have been doing all types of art for most of my life, but the art form that I have just recently have started is painting. I am not amazing at it, but as they say, “practice means perfect.” So far, I have made at least 5 paintings using acrylic paint. As well as painting, I am also into jewlery making, writing, and doing makeup. I have many hobbies as you might’ve picked up, but my strangest one is collecting. I collect things from rocks, to metal bottle tabs. 

What I would like to do when I finish the Media Arts program is to go into freelance photography or be behind the scenes on a theater or TV production. Then again, that’s a best case scenario situation. We’ll make it work.

Thank you for reading. Here is a photo of me and my little cousin making big, happy faces. ?

By: Kyrsten Crittenden