All About Kyrsten

Hello world,

My name is Kyrsten Crittenden, but I like to use Eli or Virgil as my preferred name. I love art and it’s many forms. I have been doing all types of art for most of my life, but the art form that I have just recently have started is painting. I am not amazing at it, but as they say, “practice means perfect.” So far, I have made at least 5 paintings using acrylic paint. As well as painting, I am also into jewlery making, writing, and doing makeup. I have many hobbies as you might’ve picked up, but my strangest one is collecting. I collect things from rocks, to metal bottle tabs. 

What I would like to do when I finish the Media Arts program is to go into freelance photography or be behind the scenes on a theater or TV production. Then again, that’s a best case scenario situation. We’ll make it work.

Thank you for reading. Here is a photo of me and my little cousin making big, happy faces. ?

By: Kyrsten Crittenden