I chose to make a cheesy Radio Car commercial. I have literally always heard them on the radio for as I have been alive, some corny music playing in the background and all these deep voiced men sounding lazily excited about the car deals a local dealership is offering. It is kind of funny to me. I chose Nissan of Huntington Beach just because that’s where I’m from and I chose Nissan because the only car accident I have ever been in was in a Nissan so it kind of just popped into my head. It was fun recording and I did not get it down perfectly but voice acting the funny radio voice was a good time. I had trouble sounding exactly the same each time I would stop recording and start again but I got it the best I could. The rock music in the background is something I have had for awhile that I used to make a commercial with in high school, I had bought it so I have the rights to it and it fit perfectly. I like the program because it is pretty straight forward and user friendly but It also has some weird quirks that I did not understand.