About Me..

Apparently it’s a blog eat blog world! (haha)

Hi, my name is Sarah Andrews and I am a brand new blogger. I just started the multimedia design program, and I am super excited. I was aiming for a more practical field.. dental hygiene, HA! Not anymore! Creativity and art have always been a part of my life, and it has always skewed my view of the world, which can be a very good thing, and a very difficult thing at the same time.

Overall I am in my third term here at Lane, and this is the first term that I feel passionate about each and every class, as I feel that each class offers its own thrills and challenges. I look forward to every moment. I am still figuring out where I fit best into this area, and I am ok with taking the time to explore and experiment.

for-blogOn a more personal note, aside from being a full time student, I am a mother of three very different and fantstically amazing kids. Additionally I work part time for a medically assisted detoxification center for drugs and alcohol here in Eugene.

As a young person I struggled with an addiction that ravaged my life and broke the hearts of all that were close to me.. but one day that all changed and my life was transformed.

I welcome anyone with a burning desire to know more about my story to just ask, we can all turn our test into a testimony, and if by sharing it our story helps just one person, that is a victory in itself.