Super Awesome Mushroom Man


hello everybody, its been a while sense I last posted anything. today I have a special video for you all to watch it’s a 41 second video of a mushroom dancing. Fun fact I myself animated it “as well as helped sing the song”. This animation has 68 different frames yes thats right, i drew this mushroom 68 different times, it took almost 9 hours to animate (:}). I wanted to test my capability of actually being able to animate something seeing as thats what i want to do as a job.

i had originally decided on doing a short animation with a story. The story was about this mushroom deciding he wanted to ride a wagon, down a steep hill, and failing miserably, only to be saved by his mushroom mom. But! i don’t got the time for that shiz-niz so i decided to just do the opening scene of him dancing. I’m happy with my choice to do so, because this took me more time and effort then i was suspecting. It was challenging to me to push my skills, and time management  but it wasn’t a impossible task.

I decided to to keep the background a simple bright color to show the playfulness of the scene. The mushroom is 3 different colors magenta, tan, and pale pink with brown outlines to make him soft and friendly looking “even though he has large fangs”. I chose to keep him simple as to not have any consistency errors. as for the background color it was between this yellow and baby blue I decided to keep everything warm to keep everything soft and not have any clashing colors. anyways i have now excepted my new undead life as a animator and will be seeing you guys some time into the future. MAC OUT!