This is me

Hello there! I’m Simon, born and raised in Eugene, in my third year at LCC. For a long time, I’ve loved movies. Growing up, particularly in my teens, I could almost always memorize movie dialogue word-for-word. I even wrote them for me because I wanted to. One of my favorite dialogue scenes is the battle of wits scene in The Princess Bride. I’m currently working on an epic reimagining. I also love Legos, so some of my reimagined scenes will have Lego stop-motion.

There’s just one thing that scares me. I’m worried I won’t make it in my classes for my multimedia major; my last two majors weren’t good fits for me, and since I’m an intellectual guy, my uncertain future is a little aggravating. But I can’t say that I haven’t enjoyed what I’ve been learning. I got a $30 film school book not long ago, and it’s been incredibly helpful in teaching how movies work! For instance, part of a film crew is an Assistant Director (AD). Since an average director can’t be everywhere at once, an AD gets work done, which is a lot like dividing and conquering. So, in many ways, an AD is a director’s right hand.

I hope to graduate from the Media Arts program to join the industry. I want to do camerawork with advancement opportunities. Then again, it’s natural to look for advancement opportunities.

by: Simon Edwards