P5 5

When I started thinking about this project, I was having issues thinking about what I could do that would be unique. I thought about games cause that is something I play a lot of and thought of funny ideas about doing quick reviews of something like skyrim or persona 5. And those could have been interesting but I believe mason brought up the idea I stuck with. He talked about an idea of doing a video at 5 frames per second. I thought this was really cool and wanted to do it. I then had to think about what I could do that would be interesting, and it was on the way back home on the bus that day that it connected with me how slow the bus feels but it was nice to take that time to just be there in that moment. And I decided that was a good idea to go off of. So on monday that next week I recorded the bus ride back and when I got home I edited it down to where it was only at 5 frames per second. This video hurts me as a video editor but also has its own unique feel to it that I really enjoy. Background ambience was a little specific cause of the idea but overall I like how it ended up.