Hi! My name is Carsen Perry and this is my first year at Lane Community College!

About Me: I really enjoy listening to music and watching movies and shows. Some hobbies of mine include snowboarding, riding quads, and making videos. In the future I would like to get more involved in music production as well as learning how to play new instruments.
So far College has been going well. The only thing that can be a little annoying at times is the travel. I live all the way out in Sweet Home and it’s about a fifty mile drive just to get here, but fortunately I currently have a job so I can afford to drive here every day. Right now I’m working at Dutch Bros and It’s a pretty great job, the people I work with are super nice, and it pays really well. In the future I would like to be a director of some kind, either working for tv, movies or even directing smaller projects such as commercials or music videos.
I’m very happy with the classes that I’m taking right now and all the teachers are super chill. Hopefully I can impress myself this year with some of the work that I complete, and improve my film and art skills overall!
Thank you, Carsen