Hey, I’m Chris and I’m a multimedia major at Lane Community College. I am very interested in videography/photography and have been since I was a kid. I love making music videos for local artists and have been blessed with the chance to capture some big artist’s live shows as a media worker. I also love to write and be able to express my mind through topics that I’m passionate about. I am looking to grow my work and brand through multimedia and learn how to network precisely. I also would love to learn how to use bigger equipment and be able to skill build with others to work together outside of class and make great relationships with a lot of like minded people. If you have any questions for me or want to pick my brain, feel free to ask me(:

When I’m not focusing on media work and all that, my interests would include sports, music, food/cooking, dogs, etc. I have lived in Eugene for 16 years so I know this beautiful place a little too well. I love to move and be active so if you see me dancing with head phones in then know that I am in my element. I also don’t take myself too seriously and love others with a sense of humor.
By: Chris Alvarado