Atiba Jefferson has been an idol of mine for sometime now. Growing up being interested in skateboarding his name would pop up everywhere. He is one of the biggest photographers in the skateboard world. Big skateboard publications and professional skaters are constantly wanting to have Atiba photograph for them. He also has some big clients such as Nike, ESPN, and Cannon. You will see him in almost every skateboard/photography magazine. He has also been added to some video games. That has to be such a huge accomplishment, being a photographer added to a game that is about sakteing.
The first time Atiba picked up a camera was 15 years old. Atiba broke it within under a year. And took a few years before picking up another one. The next time was senior year in high school. At the time he was working at a skateshop. Skateboarding and shooting photography was his passion and wanted to pursue both. He decided to move to California to do just that. Atiba sent some of his work to transworld, one of the biggest skate magazines in the world. He began to make a relationship with one of the photo editors there and was given the opportunity to work as his assistant. Shortly after Atiba connected with the photographer for the L.A. Lakers basketball team. He was taken under his wing and He was taught more about skill and industry. Atiba developed his own style and made every photo he took his own by adding his own techniques. The steps he has taken has made him successful in the passions he pursued and he is now doing what he loves.