My girlfriend and I

Hi there, my name is Sydney Hammer-Powell and I am a part time student at Lane. I am 19 years old, 20 on the 27th of this month (Aquarius) and I am a male, my pronouns are he/him. This is my technically sophomore year, although I was in a pretty dark place, headspace wise during the 2019/2020 school year and didn’t get much out of it. I am a recovering addict, 107 days sober as I write this post. I had you would call a pretty normal childhood, my parents split when I was young but I spent equal time at both houses and was emotionally stable. Im an only child by the way. I graduated high school with okay grades and started to get mixed up with a negative crowd. A combination of wanting to fit in, social anxiety, substance users all around me, and easily accessible drugs lead me down the road to addiction pretty quick. I forgot who I was, what my values were and only cared about getting high. This last September I started having seizures and had to check into Riverbend hospital. When I got out, my parents and decided as a whole that I needed treatment, so I checked into Serenity Lane in Coburg. Best decision I ever made! I have come full circle since getting out of treatment. I am living on my own, have a job that I am content with and am more fulfilled than I can ever remember being, not to mention my depression and anxiety have plummeted. I know this journey of life still has its struggles, but I am learning how to cope with those issues rather than try to pretend they do not exist. I am so grateful to be here, alive today, with a roof over my head and an access to education. I haven’t chosen a major yet, but I am very interested in film arts and found this class compelling. Im excited to learn with you all this next term. Bless up!

5 thoughts on “W21-P1 ABOUT SYDNEY

  1. Taylor Powelson

    Thank you for sharing your story with us! I’m glad to hear you are headed on a better path. I am interested in film arts as well. Have you created any videos or have any ideas for what you want to create? Also, you and your girlfriend look adorable together.

  2. Timothy Patton

    Heck yeah! You’re a trooper, man. I’m glad you’re not ashamed to talk about that stuff, because it makes you stronger. I can’t say I can relate whole-heartedly to your experience, seeing as I’ve been sheltered from a lot of it, and I’m more susceptible to it than ever, now that I’m leaving the nest. But I can look up to people like you, knowing you’ve gotten out of the worst.

  3. Morgan Murphy

    Congratulations on 107 days (more than that now)! That is truly impressive and you should be so proud. It sounds like you have really been through a lot at such a young age. I am so glad that you are finally fulfilled and content. That must be such a nice feeling to finally be in that place in your life.

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