I believe the directions were to “say a little about yourself.” Well, there’s ALOT. Here it is in short form:
I was born in Los Angeles, Ca and grew up between there, spending part of the year with my father, and here in Eugene with my mother. Especially back then, two places could not be more different so in both worlds I was always considered “different.” I graduated from South Eugene High School early after the first term of my junior year (see? Different). Then I tried further to separate myself from the flock by begging my fashionably hippie mother to sign my military enlistment papers (she wouldn’t). However, five days after turning eighteen I was on my way to San Diego, Ca to begin my eight years as a U.S. Marine.
Since then I have been all over the world and to nearly every State, six of which I have lived. Through that time I have had several careers spanning from managing a bar to monitoring felony DUI offenders wearing alcohol detection bracelets. I have signed a recording/music publishing contract (which amounted to nothing except losing my desire to work in the music industry) and I have spent time in federal prison. Those things and all the moments in between now have led me to be where I was half a life ago; in shool and no idea what I want to do in life or where it may take me.
In the meantime, I am single, a homeowner, and live alone with my two dogs. I still write and play music as well as practice the art of photography. I am also a motorcycle enthusiast with a couple of Harley-Davidsons and an Indian, and I also collect and speculate comic books. Again, what comes next for me I really don’t know. I just try to stay focused on having gratitude for the small things, for being upright and breathing. If I can accomplish that each day, that’s how I stay winning.

The amount of things you did in your life is really inspiring to me. Me being from Hawai’i there are only so many places you can go on a tiny island so reading this just excites me more about how many things I have yet to see. Also your picture is one of the coolest things I have ever seen! Reminds me of a call of duty mission.
I like the title to your post! It really hooked me into reading your blog. It looks like you have lived, and not many can say that. I hope you find your next path here at Lane. I look forward to getting to know you!
Wow I am sure you have a lot of interesting stories! It sounds like you have lead quite a life so far. My parents and my brother all have motorcycles but I am too scared to ever own my own one let alone ride with them. I have always been impressed with people who are comfortable on motorcycles, it blows my mind!
I think living with gratitude is what makes life enjoyable. I think taking life one day at a time can make things less scary and it can be easier to sit back and relax when you take time to reflect on the little or big things you are thankful for. Stay winning! You sound like you are doing great!
Matthew, Sounds like you have a lot of life experience. Like me, we are both finding ourselves older and navigating back to discovering where life is taking us next. As you traveled, what were some of your favorite places? I found that the more I traveled, the more I realized I still had to see and experience. I find that Oregon is at the top of my list as some of the most beautiful places to be.