I applied for the Multimedia Design course at Lane Community College in Fall 2018. When I found out that I was required to take a computer sciences class for my degree, I was, quite frankly, terrified. I looked around at all the classes available and finally settled on CS 120. I figured since I do not know much about computers, this would be the best place to start. Much to my surprise, and relief, the class was mostly about learning a number of the programs available with Microsoft Suite, and less about computer chips and router things and all of the stuff I was terrified of.
I had quite a lot of prior experience with MS Word, and PowerPoint, which helped things along with much more ease. I quite enjoyed learning Excel again, and in more depth than I had previously. I have found myself several times recently needing to create tables and charts for information and just making them in a word document and computing all of the information myself, one field and function at a time, as I did not remember how to do those things in Excel.
Excel is going to be an extremely powerful tool for my work. The knowledge that I have gained in this class will continue to serve me in my path towards a steady career, and for that I am thankful. In addition to the text book, I found several extra resources that were extremely helpful in this journey. Microsoft has videos YouTube that are great for visual learners like myself, such as this: