When we first got assigned this project, I was super excited to start it. Coming into it, I had no idea what I wanted to pick the main subject. I ended up making this video about three times, but each time it was different. After hours of thinking I finally landed on an idea. I picked the Five reasons people love Splash. I would have to say that I am satisfied with my final project, But I would have like to have made it more exciting. When it comes to editing, I always lose track of time and I fall through the world of Premier pro. I have been editing on this program for about four years and I plan on continuing to use it. When I was filming my video, I spent about two hours trying to get the shots that I wanted. Because it was at a pool, I was really able to have fun with it. Also, because I work here, all the staff were pretty relaxed about me going around and videoing everything. This made my job a lot easier. My goal was to communicate/advertise why this pool is such a fun place and why people like to come. Hopefully I was able to communicate that with my views.
I love all the shots you were able to get here! Especially the lap pool and the slide going down. This is a testament to how, with a little consideration, far you can take a Gopro. Nice job on the music too, very fitting to the overall project!
When I was young my family and I would go here a lot, so this brings back so many memories.
I love how clear and crisp you were able to get it, and I really like all the angles you have.
I really enjoy this, and love your intro. I can easily see this as an add for Splash! I like your choice of music as well, and think it all flows together nicely. Love the underwater shots! I think it’s different and unique, and extremely well done. Great Job!
It has been a long time since I have been there but watching your video makes me want to come back, discount me if I come? jk. I think it would be really cool if that was a promotional video on the splash website it was really well done.
Great job man! the video was really well done i love the way you timed the shots to the music you chose. next time (I know you re-did the project last minute) just make sure you spell check or have a peer review to catch those small mistakes.
Wow, it looks like this post has been commented on a lot, but understandably so: this was really well done! I honestly don’t think the spelling errors made a huge difference, so I wouldn’t focus too much on that; however, it is something to keep in mind for other projects that you will do where it may really matter. I was more amazed with the fact that they allowed you to take the gopro with you down the slide, but I guess that may be more of a common thing than I might think. Now to the point: I really love your camera work in this. The variety in field of views really makes for a more interesting project, and you executed it nicely. Anyone can get really good close-up camera angles, but if a video remains that close to whatever the subject is, it can become boring and hard to watch. Additionally, your camera movement was very appropriate and fitting to the music (which, by the way, is so cool that you have an abundance of!).
I had never actually heard of this place (I’m not from Eugene). But your video definitely did a spectacular job of making it look fun. Very nice choice of fun background music, and great use of a camera. I love that it’s waterproof and that you got really nice shots of underwater and of going down the slide (which was probably my favorite clip. )