Philip Bloom is a seasoned filmmaker who advocates for the use of Canon DSLRs and offers his readers weekly reviews of the latest shooting tech. He has a robust vlog section full of video reviews for cameras as well, and will cover topics like drone recording, editing software, and reflections on short films in between gear reviews. Bloom is sure to release an “ethics statement” at the beginning of any review or blog on a camera that he was paid by the company write/record, in order to maintain transparency with his readers. The site is a little busy-looking but it’s packed full of information and wasn’t difficult to navigate. Bloom has an educational section where he offers tutorials and advice on sound, lighting, and post production editing for free, along with a masterclass you can pay for. Bloom is sure to release an “ethics statement” at the beginning of any review or blog on a camera that he was paid by the company write/record, in order to maintain transparency with his readers. The site is a little busy-looking but it’s packed full of information and wasn’t difficult to navigate. Bloom has an educational section where he offers tutorials and advice on sound, lighting, and post production editing for free, along with a masterclass you can pay for. He also interacts with his readers by responding and answering questions in the comments section.
There is some really awesome documentaries In this web page!! Its some very informative blog about camera equipment for those who haven’ t touched one and reviews
This website can come in handy since I’m taking a photography class. I like how there are tutorials and a Q&A section.
This looks like its going to be a really useful blog when taking a photography class and if anyone is looking to buy a camera this could be a great place to learn about a camera they’re interested in.