1 . Equipment Checkout
Sign above media arts equipment checkout counter, which was closed.
2 . “Blue Cyc Wall”
This one was disappointing I really wanted to check it out but it was locked
I’ll have to go back sometime.
3 . Center for Student Engagement
Comfy seat and connect-four board in student engagement center.
4 . Art Gallery
I’ve already spent a lot of time doing sketches in here for another class so this is a familiar space.
5 . Art-O-Mat
I think this is a really cool concept and I’ve never seen anything like it before.
6 . Library
Cart full of books behind Resource Desk in library.
7 . Health & Wellness Sculpture
Taken from inside the silver sculpture outside health and wellness building.
8 . Ingram’s Office
Ingram was out.
9 . Media Creation Lab
Bench outside of media creation lab.
10 . Judy Gates’ Office
Judy was out as well!
11 . Teresa’s Office
Hallway leading toward’s Teresa’s office.
12 . Student’s First Building
Front of Student’s First building.
13 . Free Shot
Turkeys really freak me out so this was kind of like exposure therapy for me.