With this audio assignment, my main idea was create a product with my sister reading one of my nephew’s baby books, particularly Dr. Suess because he’s always been one of my favorite authors, along with adding some fun and silly sounds to it. The reason I chose to go this route is because I would love to raise awareness on how important it is for children to start reading at any age.
When I was little, I didn’t read as much as I should’ve. It is something that I regret because growing up my reading was never at the level it could’ve been. Even today, I’m still not where I should be when it comes to my reading level. When I started college at LCC, I was put into the Guided Studies program due to my reading scores. I truly believe that the Reading and Effective Learning classes helped me improve an enormous amount. I’m still not the best at reading or where I should be but I continue to improve everyday.
Now that I have a year old nephew, who I love and adore dearly, I read to him multiple times a day everyday. The best part about it is that he enjoys sitting down with me. When he wants to read, he loves picking out his own books and turning the pages himself. I enjoy reading with him because not only do I help educate him but it’s a great way to spend quality time with my nephew, which is completely one of the most important thing to me.