(yes yes I know that isn’t real CSS, I was being clever okay!)
Simple clean design, but can you spot the advert?
Confession time: I am kind of a dork. Exhibit A: I love CSS. The number of things you can do with what boils down to fairly simple code is fascinating to me. With maybe 30 or 40 words you can completely change the look of a site, from some basic text with little formatting to a visually appealing website.
Which leads me to CSS-Tricks, almost every time I sit down to work on a webpage I think how can I do this crazy design I have in my head and CSS-Tricks has some really great resources for making your vision a reality. Both in depth tutorials and quick references guides (for example the most recent post detailing 50 interesting properties and values) mean that no matter whether you are trying to learn something completely new or just need to brush up on something you haven’t used in a while they have you covered. Its not all dry book learning, interspersed with the CSS how-to are other articles related to web design and the internet so there is always something interesting to read, such as names that break websites. If you are just on the hunt for how to get that one piece of code to do what you want and the boss is breathing down your neck their snippets section provides a really handy collection of code snippets covering multiple languages and platforms. If you are at all interest in building websites bookmark this page you’ll thank me later.
As you would expect with a blog on web design concepts the site is really well produced, its clean and the articles are easy to read with nothing crowding the page and detracting from the content. There are some nice design features but nothing that is too distracting to the reader. The interface is easy to navigate though there there are some ads snuck in there that are hard to distinguish from the actual articles.
So, to you, my fellow dorks if you are looking to learn CSS, read some interesting articles about web design or just have a giggle at some of the idiosyncrasies of the virtual world I say you could do worse then checking out CSS-Tricks.
by: Fiona Harlan