Where I Want to be in a Few Years

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TheFirearmBlog.com is a blog that I’ve been reading for a long time. They are constantly producing articles and reviews. Since they started in 2007, they’ve put out over 10,000 posts ranging from industry news to product reviews.

In the firearms industry they seem to be on the tip of the spear as far as information release. When news broke about a possible new generation of Glocks, People flooded their blog (myself included) because they were one of the few places with news about the topic.

In their post “Breaking: Photo of the New FBI Glock 17M Leaked” they used their resources inside law enforcement to get sent images of one of the first models released into service. Doing their best to extrapolate what they could just from the images, they were able to learn a lot about some of the design and component changes. They listed the changes in an easy to read manner and made sure to leave caveats making it clear that there may be more information than what they are privy to.

When the first of these new gen Glocks were recalled, The Firearm Blog stayed on top of the story posting updates to their page as they came. The most recent being, “Glock 17M Recall Update.”

This seems demonstrate the impact of having an industry respected blog where people want to share their new products and a large enough writing team to facilitate large amounts of information dispersion. According to their “About” section, they currently have four staff writers in addition to their Editor-In-Chief and weekly guest writers.

One of the reasons I chose The Firearms Blog for this project is they are what I’d like to model my blog after. They have well written posts and have also integrated a YouTube channel “TFB TV” into their content production. I’ve always viewed their content through the eyes of a consumer. This project made me dig a little deeper and look more into the “how” as opposed to just the “what” of their blog.