Blog Search Getting An Animation Job

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This blog was created by Cameron Fielding. Cameron Fielding works at a video game industry called The Valve and even worked as an animator for the third Madagascar movie. in his post called “Getting an animation job in games,” he explains information you need to know in order to become an animator.In the beginning of the post he explains the rules of working in the industry.The most important rule is figuring out if becoming an animator is a job your going to have fun with and want to pursue. When your working in animation there is a lot of information you have to figure out and you have to make accommodations for the things that don’t work. Another thing i find important is he mentions the common misconceptions people have about the industry. people think that they need to know specific programs to work in the industry however, that isn’t true all the time. When he first started out he only knew how to use one program but he eventually learned how to use many more programs. A common misconception people have is that you need a degree to work in the field. People that don’t have degrees can still get a job in animation but they have to know what they are doing and know how to animate. In my opinion this is true in some cases, but it’s still important to earn a degree so you can be more successful. Overall i really enjoyed reading his blog. I feel that the information helps give detail into the gaming industry and it gives a desire to want to learn more about the field.