This is my video for P5 Image Editing. I wrote this song just for the video, and had a lot of fun doing so. The song itself is a bit slow and sombre, but I feel it was a subconscious thing in the writing process. I guess I’ve been in a bit of a depressive mood lately and this song kind of reflects that. I’m just happy it came together the way that it did.
The song uses a 5-string bass to coincide with the “five” theme of the assignment. The other video clips within the video that aren’t of bass-playing are shots of things in my backyard and house. I feel as though they get a bit brighter (or “happier”) as the song progresses and resolves. “Brief Continuum” is an oxymoron in the same way of saying something is a “contained infinity,” but it may also be a subconscious thing; depression doesn’t typically last long, but it feels like an eternity.
What I was trying to accomplish with this was a sense of emptiness in the beginning of the song (maybe not in the very beginning of the video), as it’s just one low, slow instrument playing. It then picks up a little bit with drums and a second bassline, then resolves with a long, low root note, fading to a shot of sun and flowers. I just wanted the song and video to be a reflection of how things can seem grim, but will always be brighter in the end.
by Ryan Scott

Your project is really well done. I like your music, you are a talented writer. The pacing of the video and music was well done. The location images were in focus and nicely done. Good leader and tag. The sound for the music was great. I enjoyed your work.
Like I said in class I loved your video. The vibe the music just everything was well done.
I’ve commented on Jake, Georgia and Nate’s posts.