The Phoblographer
First, the name of this blog got me interested right the way, simple and clean: The Phoblographer. I think the most useful part from this blog is the “Useful photography tip”. In this section, the blogger explain many different ideas and methods about photography. Not just about how to get a great awesome photo, they also share different photographer’s working style and bushiness technique on how to make a profit from the photos. Many tips on from the blog are the methods and ideas that I have already know. However, I forgot them all the times. For example, the tip#101, they mentioned that “don’t overpack photo gear for a trip”. For me, I usually prefer to bring everything with me, just in case that I won’t trying to shooting something with the wrong lens. Like last summer, I went out to shoot some water fall photos. While I was shooting the water fall with my wide angle 17-40mm lens, but there was an owl standing on a high tree. And the only other lens I had with me was an 85mm prime. Without the 400mm, it was impossible to get a bird photo from that far. After that, I started to carry everything with me on every single trip. And my gear are about 50LBS with the bag. I guess I just never thought about to make my bag lighter. From that reminder tip on the blog, I think I will try to reduce weight on my gear bag.