My brother introduced our family to the Extra Credits YouTube videos over a year, which I watch whenever I get the chance. But for as I have been watching, I have never considered visiting the website or the blog. I just don’t surf the web much. Thanks to this assignment I now have that motivation. This is what I discovered while visiting. Extra Credits ( ) is a blog that is based on video game studies, game development, some history, and more. Besides the great videos produced by the Extra Credit team, the blog offers various news updates, video episodes, forums, podcasts and articles. Many ideas for the videos come from the forums on the site.
The topics discussed at this website include issues about game development, art and video games, as well as other aspects of the culture surrounding gaming. Some examples of the resources this site offers include, but are not limited to, a number of videos and forums on how to make a game, including the episode series “Making Your First Game.” Another example is the culturally related discussion topics, such as how playing video games can help students learn history (how games can benefit people from the “Khan Academy Talent Search” article dated Aug. 5, 2015,)
This is my first time looking at Extra Credits web blog. In my opinion, the site is very well produced. It is easy to search and find topics of interest. I like the video aspect and comments. The quality of information is good because it is researched and cited. The people who author many of the posts are experienced professionals in the field of game design and development, for example the founder of the site David Floyed worked at Pixar (games are based on telling a story for entertainment.). The content is very educational. I have learned a lot about how animation works, how games are developed, and how history has influenced the way we do things, especially in gaming. from Extra Credits. My brother learned about this site from one of his professors who also gave it an academic stamp of approval.

I’m not very familiar with video games, but I enjoyed perusing this blog. It’s quirky and well-written. Good find!
Been following their blog for awhile, glad someone else does, too.