My year in Eugene by Drew Eggers (P6)

I have lived my whole life in one area of Oregon. I have been comfortable living in that area as well. I never saw myself leaving and envisioned myself living my whole life in the Portland area. Eugene was the last place I thought I would live since I grew up hating the Ducks. I am a life long Oregon State Beavers fan, so living in the land of the Duck never sounded appealing to me.

One day around a year ago I was out with my friend Andrei. We were having a convo about life, and he threw out the idea that I should move to Eugene. At first I thought it was a pipe dream, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense to me to move.  Andrei had an extra room in his house he was living at, and it was cheap rent. I had been wanting to move out of my dads house for a while and pursue school more seriously so I quit my job to move to Eugene. It was a big risk for me.

I thought that making a video about my experiences in Eugene felt right since I am moving back to Portland in August. I have enjoyed my time in Eugene and spent time with my friends that I will never forget. I felt I needed to use the opportunity to make a video that would honor this year so I had something to always look back on the great memories. I was really trying to avoid it looking like a slideshow. I wanted to give the audience of my video a feeling of what my life has been like this year. This was all footage I took from my phone so I know it is not the best quality of camera work, but that was the idea I was going for. I wanted that casual vibe to give you the idea like you were right next to me throughout these experiences.

It was fun to look back through all the photos I had taken throughout the year, and that alone made this project worth it to me. I had a lot of laughs bringing myself back to good moments I spent with my friends. It showed me the importance of taking pictures and documenting events. It really helps you remember how great of a time you had.

-Drew Eggers
