My Odyssey in learning to make this film. Shipwrecked on the Island of word press I spent many hours trying to learn the natives language. Unable to pay the ransom of the up grade I was forced to struggle. I found tutorials that showed great promise and hoped I could see blue sky and maybe the fog would lift, but at last; all I found were geeks making tutorials for geeks. The moral of the story is beware of geeks bearing gifts. I am not very good at speaking geek either. Even my wife grew weary of my moans, burst of anger, and unspoken four letter words. To be fare I can’t say it was the tutorials or the blogs soft ware that was the problem I hate to say it but it really is hard to teach an old dog new tricks. So I think that what it is “old dog syndrome”. Maybe it is caused by spending 27 years in a particle board mill. Breathing enough famalgahyde to preserve this body for the next hundred years after I dead and gone. But that is another story .These two films I made was the fun part of the class. My animation of my pet rock was a lot of work. I must have moved that rock 100 times, and only used about five seconds of the footage. My advice to other people planning a project use some thing like paper mashae. I had fun listening to peoples oppinions about community.