Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project

Sp20-P1 About Me

Hello My name is Aubrey Crossley. I am new to the blogging world. I am excited to start this new chapter In my life. I am a MultiMedia Design Major at Lane community College, I live in Eugene,Oregon where it is always green and ravishing, with amazing hiking trails and amazing lakes and rivers. I have a passion for photography and I believe also compassion for what it stands for in Art. I feel its the only way I can be creative other from music which is what I do on my spare time. I believe each of us individuals carry a passion for something and we all have the urge to find it within ourselves let’s dive into 2020 with a positive mindset.

About Me


My name is Ruby Jude. This is my first year at Lane Community College, though I’ve already completed two years of college at Portland State University. I was born and raised in Portland, OR. This past September my best friend, Carissa and I got bored with our lives in Portland and moved to Eugene two weeks after the idea popped into our heads. Thus began my time at Lane. My pursuit of higher education has been a difficult path for me. I’ve changed my major about fifteen times now, and if we’re being honest I still have no clue what I want to do. In my spare time, I enjoy practicing film and digital photography along with shooting and editing videos. My goal has been to find a way to incorporate that into my schooling. Though I love the creation process for most all digital and social media and could see my self happy with honing my skills in a lot of different mediums in that field. My goal with my time taking media art classes at Lane is to supply myself with the tools needed to gain experience and work that school cannot give me. My only goal in life since I was a wee child was to be famous. As of recent this goal has morphed into simply surrounding myself with fellow creatives and see where that takes me. I’m lucky enough to be friends with local rappers, music video editors, social media influencers and the lot. I’m looking forward to my time spent at Lane this spring term and hope to gain useful technical skills to further my life plans outside of school. Thanks for reading!

By: Ruby Jude Jay-Mustafa

Here I Am

My name is Anne Starke. I am a freelance graphic designer in Eugene, Oregon; my business is Starke Design Studio. I decided to take the opportunity that this interesting time (coronavirus pandemic) provided: time to expand my skill set and add tools my business toolbox.

I enrolled as a Multimedia Design major so I could learn how to work with video, audio and photography. I am toying with the idea of learning animation as well. I don’t know if I will ever complete the degree – a lot depends on what happens when the pandemic has run its course.

My Dogs
L-R: Pippin, Thor, Daisy, Lily, Agnes