Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project

P5 Quinn

Most of my favorite movies have plots that sound completely stupid on paper, but have a nearly perfect execution that makes them profound. I figured I would take a shot at something like this when I’m young and no one cares. So I decided to make a surreal (and thankfully exaggerated) video about my experience doing VFX in blender. I started with recording most of the live action stuff first, then doing some screen capture with shadowplay. About a third of the way through I had to re-format my hard drive to avoid a major computer catastrophe. Nearly giving me a heart attack and wasting almost a full day of my time. I spent more time than I expected to on editing because I wanted to emulate the heavily edited montage like style of directors like Guy Ritchie.

Sydney’s Story – P5 Image Editing

This project itself is very familiar and easy for me, as I used to edit videos on Camtasia Studio years back for my old YouTube channel. However, this project also faced some difficulty with technological issues, so you’ll notice the effects used are not quite the same as Adobe Premiere Pro! That’s because my computer could not handle the program due to a ton of corrupted Windows Updates piled onto one another and I am struggling to fix it. I resorted to borrowing my sister’s computer to edit on Camtasia Studio. I tried to match the beat to the videos the best I could, but I was challenged with lag issues from heavy rendering, so effects were a guessing game until I published my final product. Looking past the technology chaos, I had fun touching up on video editing again.

– By: Kristin Frost

Image Editing: Jabre Reyes

It was actually not too hard to put all of this together for me. I’ve done some video editing before- honestly the hardest part was finding the music, and learning Premiere enough to do what I wanted to. I was going on a trip the weekend this project was assigned, and I thought it’d be neat to summarize the experience in a fun short video. Had lots of fun filming everything, but wish I filmed just a bit more of my little adventures on the beaches we stopped by.

P5 Image Editing – Midnight-Rob S

Another piece of evidence that I really do my best work at night. This was more of a struggle figuring out what I was going to record than actually recording it. However, recording at night did have its own issues. Trying to operate lighting by myself in the middle of the night was proved to be difficult and due to low light, video quality took a bit of a hit. And having took so long to figure out what the plan was also shortened editing time. However, I am proud of how it turned out.

P5- Imagen Editing

It was my first time using Premiere, so it was complicated at the beginning. I invited my son (again) to participate in this video. He loves going to the park so much, and I thought it could be a good idea to record the video there. It was my first time using Premiere. It was a little bit complicated at the beginning, but after a few unsuccessful attempts and practice for a while I could finish my video. I know it is not the best video, but for being my first time, I feel very satisfied. After all, I had a lot of fun creating this project. I want to keep doing better with Premiere.

by Maria Pedraza

P5 Cooking

Creating a video in Premiere was a very hard process. I have never dabbled in video editing software like Premiere before, so it was all a new experience. Trying to get the audio to synchronize well with the music and visual effects was a fun challenge, but I feel I could’ve edited the cuts better. Some cuts are to long while other cuts are shorter than I would’ve liked. Overall, I enjoyed Premiere though it was much harder for me to use than imagined haha. Thanks for taking the time to watch my project!!

By: Logan Habib

P5-Image Editing-Bebe

Using Adobe Premiere to edit my video wasn’t easy for me, because I am pretty new with this software. I was very struggling with what kinda topic I should do at the beginning, but I decided to make it simple. By recording my daily life to share with everyone what I usually do. And finding music to match with my video wasn’t easy either. I listened to a lot of different music. I want to let my audience feel relax by watching my video. In the end the part where I posted my work to youtube, it took me a while to figure it out how to upload. This assignment let me learn that if you actually do all those videos or anything yet, you really need to brainstorm and make a plan, when you have the plan you would really easily keep going on with your work.


P4 Audio

By : Hannah Freudenthaler

I’m not really a fan of horror, but I was told that I should give it a try. I went through a few different stories before landing on this one, mostly because it fit in the time limit. I wanted a story that had room for sound effects but also had an engaging story that I would like to read. I am with the majority of people, I’m guessing, who really don’t like the sound of their voice so this project did have its challenges. I would repeat sentences multiple times before trying to record so I had less of a reason to go back and listen to myself when it was just my voice. I didn’t struggle too much with incorporating sounds into the recording, it was just finding the right ones that was very frustrating. Finding the right sounding footsteps was almost a whole day’s search in itself, I had a bit of luck when my old house made a creaking sound when I was recording and decided to save it just in case and I was really happy I did even though I know what it is it makes some good Foley. Overall this project was not as hard as I thought it would be, and was actually quite enjoyable.