Tag Archives: Sp-P5 Final Project

P1 About Me! (Alex Seydel)

Hello! My name is Alex Seydel, I’ve been a student in the Multimedia program at lane for 2 years and have been taking photos/into photography for the past 7.

Some things about me, I’m a pretty quiet person so you might not hear me talk that much (or at all), but If you want talk to me, feel free to walk up to me cause I’d love to talk. In terms of other things I’m interested in, I’m into track and field/running and I’m also a bit of a video game nerd.

In terms of what I plan on doing after my time at lane, I hope to become either a freelance photographer that covers a variety of subjects. But really I’d be beyond happy to just have job in this field.

I look forward to meeting you all!

Music Video

Above is the complete version of a music video I made for my friend who released this song back in 2014. I took the opportunity for making something large to relearn the 3d modeling and animation program, Maya. The second section of this video was done primarily for this class and the first part with more of the traditional animation techniques was done for the intro to animation course. This project took between one to two hundred hours, I think, I’ve kind of lost track of reality the past few weeks.

The music video includes the animation techniques of rotoscoping, pose to pose drawn animation and claymation. All of the scenes and objects were rendered in Maya and then drawn over with one layer, then animated more freely on top of that in Procreate on the Ipad. Sound effects are from the freesound.org website and the music is from my friends album titled RNB. https://longlivedeathrecords.bandcamp.com/album/cole-lodge-rnb

The music video details the grey world of living with depression but having a vivid imagination which lives in dichotomy for many artists.

Music Video

Above is the complete version of a music video I made for my friend who released this song back in 2014. I took the opportunity for making something large to relearn the 3d modeling and animation program, Maya. The second section of this video was done primarily for this class and the first part with more of the traditional animation techniques was done for the intro to animation course. This project took between one to two hundred hours, I think, I’ve kind of lost track of reality the past few weeks.

The music video includes the animation techniques of rotoscoping, pose to pose drawn animation and claymation. All of the scenes and objects were rendered in Maya and then drawn over with one layer, then animated more freely on top of that in Procreate on the Ipad. Sound effects are from the freesound.org website and the music is from my friends album titled RNB. https://longlivedeathrecords.bandcamp.com/album/cole-lodge-rnb

The music video details the grey world of living with depression but having a vivid imagination which lives in dichotomy for many artists.

P6 Final Project

I did my final by making a music video with Noah Rislov. I was happy with the way it the video turned out and so was Noah. We spent a little over 2 hours total filming the video. Our spots included MT. Pisgah, and downtown Eugene to express the amount of drama this music video needed. I had a lot of fun and learned ways to edit and film that I didn’t know before. One thing that I wish I did was manage time better. I feel like we could of spent some more time trying to story tell with more precise scenes that explain the mood better. I love making music videos, so I enjoyed this project because it gave me the opportunity to do so. I love being able to help tell a story through a camera and music. Being able to talk about ideas and create new ones in the short time we had felt natural to me. I enjoy directing with the insight I can bring, and help the artist express their ideas at the same time. Noah was a lot of fun to work with, and I am looking forward to finding other artists to work with. This project was a learning experience, as well as an opportunity to do what I love.