Existentialism is a school of thought that I cherish greatly. It is one that most commonly is reserved for people who reach middle age and have a mental breakdown when they realize that they’ve potentially wasted too many years away on a life they never actually wanted; thinking too much on what they SHOULD do and not on what they WANT to do. The latter of these is what brought me to Lane Community College. I want to be a photographer–a photojournalist specifically–but in the grand scheme of things I want to do something both creative and internally fulfilling that supports the betterment of all life. We all have our own descriptions of what that may be, which is exactly why I take other people’s advice with a grain of salt. What was/is the right path and successful move for you does not equate to the same for me or anyone else. I think that really sums up my journey through life and personality. I have a “everything in stride” outlook on most challenges and I march to the beat of my own drum. I am this way because it is the only way to ensure my own happiness and I encourage everyone I meet to do the same. Obviously compromises have to be made–I’m not a selfish person–but compromising too much can be detrimental. It is better to walk with someone rather than be walked on or alone.
Anyhow, quickfire details about my life:
- I have a cat, her name is Miku
- I love technology and look forward to the greeting our robot overlords
- I can sew, though not with extraordinary skill
- I’m a Browncoat, shoutout to the Firefly fans
- Certified Weeaboo, all day, every day

By: John Adair