Category Archives: Winter 2021

About Me

My name is Dimitri Lilles. I was born and raised in Eugene and I’m going to school to get into filmmaking. When I was in grade school, my dad showed my the Star Wars prequel trilogy and since then I knew that I wanted to help make movies. As I got older I found out that some dvds have behind the scenes clips, extras, and videos on how the movie was made. I immediately went through all my favorite movies at the time and watched all of the extras. I still do that for most of my favorite movies or any movie that I think is really well done. I’ve made a few little home made “movies” with my friends which, admittedly, are bad.

Over quarantine I developed a passion for astronomy. I became very fascinated with constellations, planets, and our galaxy as a whole. As summer started to end and school was starting up I kind of stopped learning about it but my passion is still there. My favorite thing to learn, as of now, are constellations. I enjoy memorizing where they are in the sky, what things they are supposed to represent, why they are named what they are, and so on.

P1 About Me

Hey! My name is Jabre Reyes, and I use he/him pronouns. I was born and raised in Eugene Oregon, and have lived with my Grandma for a majority of my life. I’ve always, for as long as I can remember, have had a hobby for creating digital artwork using programs like Paint tool SAI, Clipstudio, and FireAlpaca. I recently have gotten into “”frankensteining”” 3d assets together to make a cohesive 3d model. Another thing I have recently gotten into is 3d animation. Although my skills are not refined at this very moment, I am hoping that taking certain classes at LCC will help me improve and find a proper career in a respected company that will help me grow and expand my skills. I have been able to do very minimal freelancing in the past, but see it more as a last-ditch-effort rather than something I’d like to do for a living.

Besides from art, video games are probably my most favorite thing. I love playing (a few very specific) competitive shooters such as CSGO and Valorant. MOBAS are also one of my favorite types of games- I play most of the well known ones besides Smite. Other types I love playing occasionally are VR games (VRChat, Pavlov VR, Neos VR, and Half-Life: Alyx). One game I’ve been insane about VERY recently is called Outer Wilds, which is an open world puzzle game that (at times) tests your patience. If you have a steam account and are interested in any of the multiplayer games I listed, feel free to ask for my friend code!

This year I am excited to be able to learn more about things in the fields I’m interested in, and to meet more people and experience new things. Happy to be here!

P1 About Me

I’m Kristin Frost, born and raised in Eugene, Oregon, and I am studying to become a Graphic Designer. I found my passion for photo manipulation and logo design making when I was in middle school, when I was editing my own YouTube channel banner and profile photos. In addition to designing for myself, I also had a passion for digital art. In 2018, I got my first digital drawing tablet to aid me in my digital works.. I also found it helpful for projects in Graphic Design! By the end of the Graphic Design program, I want to use the knowledge I learned and apply it into my future works. I might even start out as a freelancer for some outside experience.

Aside from having an artistic passion, I have a passion for dogs. I have three of my own that were adopted throughout the last 3 years. If anyone is wondering on their breeds, they are Siberian Husky, Siberian Husky/German Shepherd mix, and Australian Shepherd/German Shepherd mix. They were my first dogs to train, bond, walk, and care for. Now, I am very interested in learning dog training and dog behavior. Ever since we adopted them, I’ve learned a lot about the shelter life for a dog, and it warms my heart that we adopted 3 dogs into a loving home. I would do anything to keep them safe and happy. 

About me

My name is Ridic Ferrand, and I am a multimedia student at Lane Community College. When I am not doing anything related to multimedia in my free time, I like to play chess as having a hobby with logic as the focus creates a nice contrast to all of the creative passions I have for the arts. My reason for being in this program goes back quite a few years to seventh grade, when I first got into animation. The passion I had for creating animations carried me through the multimedia course I took in high school, enjoying every bit of it and wanting more. While my focus has shifted from animation to more live action focused work, my heart still stands in wanting to make video, no matter the medium. Whether I am drawing frames, holding a camera, or making last minute edits to a video before rendering, a career in multimedia is what I have wanted for a long time now. When I finish the Media Arts program at Lane, I hope all of the hard work pays off and I land that dream job of working with a crew to produce videos, air local events, while having the fun that I have experienced in this field for the past few years and hope to enjoy for many years to come.

By: Ridic Ferrand