Category Archives: Past Student Work

Informational interview

For the X-4 assignment, I interviewed by phone Kyle Seidlitz a web master for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. The interview was short because of his work. (5 min long) I asked him about his education and how it effects his calling within the church as a webmaster. Kyle responded by saying, “Having a college degree in web authoring and computer science helps as well.”

I asked him what does he do on the church’s website and how long does it take him to accomplish his work he does every day/every other day. Kyle said, “I help maintain the website with other web masters from different wards and aids with online tithing and processing it for the church.”(There is a lot).

The third question I asked him was “how does a web master help the church other than online tithing offerings?” He responded by saying,” I help maintain the site as well as post talks/information and dates/locations of events the church is holding.”

The last question I had was how does media play a role in the within the church? Kyle stated that he was short on time but he answered the question. He said, “It helps to get information about who we are as well as cover a wide array of topics ranging from basic scripture study to the path on becoming a member and staff directory. Media also spans beyond the internet. There is television and radio which is used for trying to reach people and get them to come to church. If people have questions they can refer to the site or set up an appointment with the missionaries to have some questions or they can come on Sunday and talk with the bishop after the service. God bless.”

In my experience with media/computers (personal/LCC) setting up and maintaining websites takes a lot of work when done by hand. Nowadays there are sites that will allow you to build it much easier than hand coding HTML/CSS/JavaScripting which can take weeks if not more plus the education on what and how to write is enough give a person not versed in computer language a whopper of a headache.

In summary education in computers seems to be a large portion of a lot of media and other subjects. Attending the Sunday service and talking with Kyle allowed me to have a different perspective for webmasters by asking questions I myself, wanted to know. However due to a short time talking I could not get all my questions answered within the allotted timeframe. Thirst for learning a complex subject takes time, dedication and faith in all you do and all you interact with is all you need to succeed. I also learned now in the age of technology churches are using media across multiple platforms to reach everyone and every age etc.….

Media impacts a lot of what we do today as well as influence target groups that the media is meant for across most platforms that are needed to reach the target audience.


X4-Professional Practices

For this assignment I attended a talk by photographer Evan Baden whose work is being displayed in the Building 11 Gallery. I had wandered through the exhibit a couple of days before, unaware that the artist was coming to speak on his work, and thought that the portraits were interesting in the concept I perceived from the title given. “High School Yearbook Project” as a standalone name would make me think of kids flashing big smiles or bright happy faces, but all of the portraits were very stoic. It was cool getting to learn about his process during his talk. Baden began by going over the themes he explored in his previous works, “Illuminati,” and “Technically Intimate,” both of which revolved around the impact and influence of technology with teen culture. This new way in which people were interacting with each other on this level separate from “real life,” in a way created its own virtual world that teens were becoming a part of, which mostly had become a new phenomenon during the mid 2000s, is something he talked about exploring with his projects. He spoke about the overall concept of “real” and “fake” and how it also related to his thoughts on photography in general. He feels all photography isn’t real reflection of what it shows, because it only captures a small moment in time, only captures what falls within the frame, leaving the rest or the undesired parts to the wayside. Which he then related to social media, and the way photography plays a part in these depicted lives of others that are so well crafted and appear “real,” but are only a snapshot, or an exaggeration of reality, because there is no way as a consumer to know what was really happening in real time when the photo was taken. He also spoke about his process of taking all his portraits for this work, which was interesting in and of itself. He uses a contraption that takes large format images and is unintended for portrait photography, because it takes a series of around 6 images that it then composites into a whole image. I’m not too technologically savvy so I became a bit lost during his explanation, but essentially to photograph people, he had them stay still for a longer period of time, I believe he said around 10 seconds or so, much like the in the past, so it was kind of a strange mix of old and modern photography. But the process gave him more leeway as far as modification during the shoot; he was able to switch things around in different portions of the frame because of the way the contraption captured the image in bits and pieces. He related this process to further his concept of the manipulated “reality” depicted online and through photography, which I thought was an intriguing connection. Overall I felt the talk was super illuminating, I was already interested in the work before but afterwards I left kind of blown away by all that went into it. I’d definitely say I was a fan of his work.

by: Andrea Del Rio

Site Title 2017-11-15 09:09:16

For the X-4 assignment, I interviewed by phone Kyle Seidlitz a web master for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. The interview was short because of his work. (5 min long) I asked him about his education and how it effects his calling within the church as a webmaster. Kyle responded by saying, “Having a college degree in web authoring and computer science helps as well.”

I asked him what does he do on the church’s website and how long does it take him to accomplish his work he does every day/every other day. Kyle said, “I help maintain the website with other web masters from different wards and aids with online tithing and processing it for the church.”(There is a lot).

The third question I asked him was “how does a web master help the church other than online tithing offerings?” He responded by saying,” I help maintain the site as well as post talks/information and dates/locations of events the church is holding.”

The last question I had was how does media play a role in the within the church? Kyle stated that he was short on time but he answered the question. He said, “It helps to get information about who we are as well as cover a wide array of topics ranging from basic scripture study to the path on becoming a member and staff directory. Media also spans beyond the internet. There is television and radio which is used for trying to reach people and get them to come to church. If people have questions they can refer to the site or set up an appointment with the missionaries to have some questions or they can come on Sunday and talk with the bishop after the service. God bless.”

In my experience with media/computers (personal/LCC) setting up and maintaining websites takes a lot of work when done by hand. Nowadays there are sites that will allow you to build it much easier than hand coding HTML/CSS/JavaScripting which can take weeks if not more plus the education on what and how to write is enough give a person not versed in computer language a whopper of a headache.

In summary education in computers seems to be a large portion of a lot of media and other subjects. Attending the Sunday service and talking with Kyle allowed me to have a different perspective for webmasters by asking questions I myself, wanted to know. However due to a short time talking I could not get all my questions answered within the allotted timeframe. Thirst for learning a complex subject takes time, dedication and faith in all you do and all you interact with is all you need to succeed. I also learned now in the age of technology churches are using media across multiple platforms to reach everyone and every age etc.….

Media impacts a lot of what we do today as well as influence target groups that the media is meant for across most platforms that are needed to reach the target audience.


In Her Blood – Sitting down with the Director

InHerBloodPoster - Page 1


This is an article based on the interview with Heather McBride-Anders, story writer, director, and producer of the psycho-thriller film, “In Her Blood”. that premiered at Lane Community College (LCC) Ragozzino Performance Hall on November 3rd, 2017. The idea for this interview is to show aspiring filmmakers part of the process of filmmaking through Heather’s experience with In Her Blood.

It was a labor of love that she first began at a continuing ed screenwriting class at LCC about 10 years ago. At yhr time Heather was going through a separation she and was able to put her focus into writing, the story that came out eventually became “In Her Blood” is partially based off of her life and mostly fiction. Several years later and after submitting her finished screenplay in for a contest in Hollywood, Heather was contacted by Danny Mannis, who wrote the movie iFrankenstein. Mannis consulted her on her screenplay and Heather used this advice to make some edits, finalized the screenplay and resolved that she would make it into a film.

With this screenplay and being in charge of producing and directing the film, Heather was able to achieve some crowdfunding and then used her own money to fund a majority of the film. Next step, find a cast and crew! Heather went to Lane Community College to meet with Teresa Hughes, professor in the Media Arts program to ask her if there were any students looking for internship opportunities.  Three of the LCC interning crew were Rich Robison, Alan R. Thompson and Jeffrey King Osborns who did numerous jobs including cinematography, set design, prop creation and more. “There is a certain amount of giftedness in that group of those 3 guys, their synergy, you know. So I think I accidentally landed upon some genius.” Overall the film took 5 months, 14 actors, and 23 locations and don’t forget crew (for which I don’t have a figure). The main location for the film, an old 1888 victorian home called the Shelton McMurphey Johnson House was lent by its board for free, for over a month for filming. This house is a tourist attraction in Eugene OR. “The place had some pretty freaky energy”, said Heather. Making it the perfect place for a film setting such as this. Another location used during the shoot that has an interesting back story was a fraternity house on Alder Street called the Lorax Manor. This place was perfect, there was a basement there that already had meat hooks attached to the ceiling, a cage, old dirty mattresses, tools were strewn about the room everywhere and there was a pool table in there that looked like it was about a hundred years old. The set design was basically already done for them, so Heather saw the perfect mess and said, “Alan, go in there and make the set!”. He fixed it up perfectly for a lovely day of shooting film. You’ll know the scene when you’ve seen it.

Heather McBride-Anders projects energy and pride when talking about the film and especially when talking about her team she spent over 6 months with while making the film. From start to finish creating a movie was not without their fair share of struggle. Heather shares that writing can be long and agonizing. “It took 10 years and you get really attached to the writing and you don’t know if it is good enough.” The post production process also turned out to take much longer for unexpected reasons, but she comments, “Working with a crew is so tiring but it is like being on a high from morning to night. When you get a shot, people would be celebrating and then, “move on!” Energy and ideas happened.” Heather goes on to explain that there was the occasional clash of egos that happened on set that had to do with creative decisions. “…but you have to have a little bit of ego starting out to survive the constant onslaught of people’s opinions and if you don’t stay true to yourself then you lose your art.” This is good advice for someone starting out, stay open to the ideas of your team and also stay true to your ideas because there will always be varying opinions.

What I really like about Heather is that she used the internet to learn to do anything that she didn’t know how to do, she learned to make things. One of the challenges was learning how to make realistic bodies for a scene in the movie. Instead she found an easy method to make heads in jars for a scene instead of complete bodies while browsing the popular website, Pinterest. Alan Thompson did the work to bring these heads to life. Heather’s advice to filmmakers starting out is to “Leave your mind open and start exploring on the internet!” She has reroofed her house and fixed a fridge and more from tutorials online. Much of the knowledge she used to learn to make to make this movie a reality came from online resources as well. Some sites she mentioned specifically were YouTube, Pinterest, and

Heather’s biggest takeaway lesson from producing “In Her Blood” was regarding sound. As a filmmaker you may have heard about the importance of quality sound, I certainly have but we can benefit from hearing it from a first-hand account. Heather tells us that she was so focused on the filming and video aspects of the film that the focus on audio was minimized, so the postproduction process was extended for about 2 months. Here’s her specific advice regarding managing your sound production process:

  1. Test audio ahead of time.
  2. Use external audio.
  3. Always sync your audio with video at the end of the day.
  4. Don’t start editing your video until your audio is synced with the video.
  5. Use either Mac or PC to do your edits on since these two platforms don’t “talk” with eachother easily or well.

Jumping into a film project is going to be a rewarding and challenging process! Trust your gut and your creative capabilities, get help and work with people and use your resources to your advantage, there is tons of help out there waiting for you online and through organizations such as Lane Community College and other people willing to help you for cheap or free such as the board of the Shelton McMurphy Johnson House. My hope is that this article enlighted you to some of the rewards and challenges of being a first time filmmaker.


Thanks for reading!

By Daniel Martinez


F17-X4 Info Interview/Professional Practices by Jesse Williams


Reading A Wave is a body of work inspired by Italo Calvino’s novella Mr. Palomar as simply said as Laura herself states on her website. It began with a film and described the impossibility of isolation. If you want to watch the film you can find that as well on her website above. After the film there was a dance performance with extended smooth movement such as a wave is. In the background there is also an art piece that hangs in Building 10, Art Project Area 105. The free exhibit event was held on Friday, November 10, 2017, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Now let’s dive deeper into experiencing this body of work. I personally found it intriguing because I definitely haven’t seen anything else like it before. But as an overall experience, I would give it B. I feel like this kind of work has a super hard target audience because of the different medias she uses. Even though her piece included a film, dancing routine, and gallery art I think it went well together and achieved their purpose in the exhibit. This isn’t the artist’s fault but at the event it was a different kind of seating arrangement and some people had to stand. Now I know what you’re thinking, you think that I’m about to say that I was glad to get a seat because I went a few minute early. This is where I let you know that I sadly didn’t get a seat and had to stand for the entire performance. I feel that a larger gallery with more room for seating might be a better fit for this kind of exhibit but I don’t want to complain about a free event.

I am glad to let you know that the event wasn’t all negative. In fact, most of it was positive and everyone around me seemed to be enjoying their time. After the dance performance was finished people were allowed to roam the gallery and talk with others with a food table. This is the part where you are thinking that I enjoyed some food and talk with other people. To your dismay, I had eaten dinner before going to the event but I did in fact see a few faces that I recognized. This is where this sort of exhibit is positive, it allows you to think and socialize with others around you. It creates a sense of community and trust in others.

This body of work did impact me in the end with inspiration; that is the inspiration to do what you enjoy doing and to be able to share it with others. Because when it comes down to the end of it all that moment of isolation is the birth of a new idea that inspires new ideas. Laura became inspired by a writing and she has inspired me to inspire others. I could tell Laura had put everything she could into her body of work because that is what she enjoys to do. And this is the sort of thing I like to see around me. It is like moral that keeps giving you the motivation to do something. If you asked me if going to an event like this is a good idea my answer would be yes. Here’s why, you should never be afraid to try and experience something new and different because you never know what may inspire you in the end to do what you enjoy in life.


Interview with a Drupal Developer from Freeflow Digital

I interviewed Lisa Godare from Freeflow Digital. She is a Drupal Developer. More specifically she is essentially a lead developer. She works with their clients to find out what it is the client is looking for and then sets up estimates on how long the project will take for them. She then assigns work to team members.

Lisa told me of how when she was in the process of being hired she likely would not have been hired due to a lack of experience in what they were looking for. What caught Freeflow Digital’s eye is that she had a specific certification. She had the Acquia certified Drupal developer certification. That is something that is really hard to obtain unless you know what it is you are doing. I asked her how important that certification is. She first said that it used to not be important because it used to not even be a thing. At the time of her acquiring the certification it had only existed for about six months. The person going through the resumes knew how hard it is for someone to obtain the certification. All because of that he went to the CTO and said that they needed to interview her. She got hired because of a skill she just happened to learn along the way of her career.

Lisa says that individual technology skills can be, and usually are, better than an actual degree. It helps to have a degree. It ties all the skills you might have together. She also says that it can be a big help to have a degree when you don’t have any real experience. Lisa then goes on to note that when she was my age there weren’t any degree’s out there in her field and everyone had to learn on their own.

Freeflow Digital exclusively takes clients that are non-profit organizations. Sometimes they take on government agencies. Often times their websites are developed towards fundraising. However, their sole focus is not building sites for fundraising. No matter who their client ends up being they always make sure that they agree with their cause. In addition to that, when choosing a client they make sure that the client would even be able to afford their services. The work that Freeflow Digital does is really expensive.

Lisa never specifically said this, but I have inferred that as you get your name out there you really get to pick and choose your clients. You have the ability to only take on clients that you want to take on. That is something to look forward to as a beginning artist.

A lot of the websites that Lisa has worked on has been building them from the ground up. As far as designing them the client often already has an old site with design ideas they want to keep. Lisa and her co-workers are then tasked with building a new site using their tools to build something similar and more to their liking. Many of their clients are what she calls retainer clients. They have already come to Freeflow Digital and have already gotten a new site from them. The retainer clients are the websites that get updated from what Freeflow Digital already created.

One of the pieces of advice that Lisa gives is to make sure you are in a company culture that you like. For her and many of her co-workers, they get to work from home 100% of the time, and they love that. She loves the environment that her and her co-workers have created.

Another piece of advice that Lisa gives is to get a GitHub account and to post code samples there. That shows that you can do the job even if you don’t have any professional experiences. Being able to show that you can do the job is hands down the most important thing when searching for a job. As far as web programming goes GitHub is the best way to do that. Fill it up with stuff that you’ve done even if it doesn’t seem relevant. She goes on to say that this is important for any job in the media world. Have a portfolio that employers can look at.

Lisa’s final piece of advice is to network with people. For her specific Drupal certification there are Drupal meetups that happen frequently in most big cities. Networking is a great way to learn new things about the field you are in. For her job networking is really important and she goes on to say that it can even be more important than having a nice resume.


By: Tevin Goddard

X4 Professional Practices


The event I attended was the called “The High school Yearbook Project” by Evan Baden. The event was held in the art gallery in building 11. The event lasted from 4:00pm to about 5:00pm. The event was held on a Tuesday November the 14th. Evan Baden is a professor at OSU and has had a great career in photography. He showed of three of his projects and the technology he used. The first project was people on their cellular devices. The photos were only lit by the projection of light coming from the phone. These photos were took when the very first Iphone came out. He wanted to show how everyone has access to the internet and how that consumes you and pushes the rest of the world away. The second project was about the act of sexting. In this project he wanted to show how the media affects youth and how the media portrays sexuality in youth. The portraits showed naked or near naked models in the everyday lived in room. He stated that he had to tell people not to clean or touch anything in the room they were using for a week to get the genuine, visually looking room he was going for. The third project was the one on display. “The High school Yearbook Project”. The prints were blown up to life size and some were even bigger. These photos were of high school students with very great use of lighting. the colors on the photos were bright and interesting grabbing the viewers eye right away. The camera and tech he used was extremely interesting. He used a old film camera with a digital camera attachment with all the digital hardware attached. The camera only allowed him take small portrait sized pictures. So he would capture a photo of the subjects feet and legs then he would take multiple pictures of the upper half of the subject in different poses. Then he would capture the background in segments. Once he has all the shots he photoshops them into one composition. The artist talk was very fascinating. I gained a lot of information and sparked my interest more in photography. Being in a photography class and seeing the show, showed me that no matter your skills and interests are there is always room for improvement. Photography is not my strongest skill in media arts, but the more knowledge the better being in all these classes will all intertwine with each other and combine into your own skill set. I learned how important lighting is to take a good portrait photograph. The show makes me want to go out and photograph everything and try to master the craft. Photography and camera skills will help later on down the road. Especially in film and how to use the tech to portray the best story. What I gained from this is that now matter how good you think you are at something, never think you’re the best. Allows push yourself to learn new things and find out what you’re good at and what interests you.

Ian Alvarez | 3D Video & VJ

Seven Lions

For my professional practice, I interviewed my good friend Ian Alvarez, who is the touring Video DJ and Visual Content Creator for Seven Lions (International Electronic Recording Artist/DJ). Currently, he is on a 64 stop tour across 23 countries, so he has been on a very opposite schedule than most of us here in the U.S.

Basically, his job is to projection map the stages before the show starts, and then he DJ’s video content live during the performance. Although it seems pretty simple, his job is actually quite complex and takes a lot of skill within a wide variety of programs and user interfaces. He designs all of his own video in Cinema 4D and Resolume, while also using After Effects and Premiere Pro to put the clips together and organize them, because each clip is specific to an individual song to help tell the story of each song during the performance. His creative process consists of a lot of planning and budgeting with both Seven Lions and his tour management.

The goal with the current tour was to tell a story during the whole performance using fantasy art themed content, but the hard part was taking the cinematic approach. Ian didn’t want to do the usual “trippy” visuals that every other artist in the festival circuit does, but rather he wants to truly depict a story that progresses as the set progresses.

Ian’s favorite part of his job is seeing peoples reactions during the show, and hearing feedback from the show attendees afterwords. As someone who has attended hundreds of music festivals and events, Ian believes that he has a very solid understanding of what types of content will engage and connect with people, and make it a memorable experience.

I asked Ian what skills and qualities he believes a good designer and content creator must have when taking that leap into the professional media world. His response to me was “Be proficient within a wide variety of software. It’s also good to be consuming other art as much as possible, it helps keep brain fresh and constantly keeps you working toward bettering yourself and growing as a visual artist.”

Most importantly, I asked Ian what his favorite part of his job is, and he said During the one or two hour set, nothing else matters. It’s just me and the massive production stage to have fun with and express myself to thousands. None of my problems matter, nothing else matters except right here and right now.”

This is exactly the type of response I would expect from someone who gets to do what they are truly passionate about. Throughout the interview, he kept telling me his job hardly ever feels like a job. He loves it, every aspect of it. From the Creative Planning process, all the way to the live performance, He truly loves what he does, and his passionate attitude has a lot to do with why he has made it to the top of the live video DJ and content creator totem pole. His dream is to someday be a CGI creator for massive budget hollywood style films.

All in all it was a great interview, and was awesome to hear from a longtime friend who got his start right here in Eugene, mapping visuals at the cuthbert theatre for our very first Life In Color set!

Informational interview with Pipeworks game developer!

For my  informational interview  I decided to go with game developers pipeworks studios! this company has been located downtown eugene since 1999 and has worked on, developed and been involved with some pretty well known video game titles!

I managed to get an over the phone interview will  lead developer PETER KING that was pretty cool and informative. I had a few questions written down  and will give you his response to them (in a nutshell) in a Q and A format.

Q: how do you go about choosing the next project to work on?

A: It’s normally a business decision between two company’s, a publisher like Microsoft might reach out to developers and pay them for there time or for a certain task like converting controls to different consoles or starting and finishing an entire project. which is great for us because we have a clear picture a to b  of what we need to do and when. compared to us creating  a game where it’s out time and our money on the line.

Q: How often does the tech/software change and where do you think its heading?

A: Alot! Almost yearly we have some new software to learn about and with new consoles coming out we always have something new to learn. This is cool because things never get stale and the job doesn’t get repetitive as easily. Basically every month we take time to catch up on new technologies.

Q: How do you feel about ” pay to play” games

A: referring to downloadable content at a price for free games I feel its up to the user how to spend their money. we have a poker game that’s free to play but you can pay for additional  content. most people rationalize about there spending habits especially when it comes to entertainment. paying 1 dollar for something small like this isn’t much different then renting a movie. It has been an upward trend lately and i don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Q: Whats the hardest part about finishing up a project?

A: The final collaboration between departments and debugging the programs to ensure a clean product can take some time. everyone enjoys working on there craft but is looking forward to completion. If we are working for a client sometimes there is disapproval of the final project in a certain area and going back to fix that for them can be tedious. but in both situations ( working for a client or creating a project)  sometimes getting started can be more difficult then finishing.

Q:What credentials do you look for in new hires in development?

A: For development in general its really about the portfolio. we look at what kind of schooling you did and previous work experience but for the most part its the level of art skill you have and a demonstration of what you can create and if your a good fit for the position (easy to work with availability etc.)  Our engineering  dept. on the other hand is the opposite, they deal with server issues and the software we use. Technical Engineers are in high demand, normally someone with that skill set we will welcome with open arms at any opportunity.

Q: What different teams make up Pipeworks?

A: Our developers are the artistic talent. they create how the characters, environment and other visuals like text/interface look and work together. Our design crew has a senior and Jr. department that makes decisions based on the software and gives information at the beginning and the end of a project like the original treatment and final look. Engineering  deals with the back end of set up and technical support with servers both our own facility’s and for when the game is launched to the public. Our production team  also has a senior and jr. department  that is tasked with debugging  the game and over all quality of the finished product.

Q: Whats your favorite game that pipeworks has created and your favorite type of game in general?

A: Terreria and our poker game is the most fun for me personally but since that’s my day job, games I enjoy  are adventure games like uncharted and currently I am setting up a virtual reality head set and cant wait to see what that has to offer.


Afterwards I thanked  him for his time and told him that it was cool  that so many creative company’s can be found in our relatively small town.  He agreed and said that he loves to hire local and rarely has to search else ware for a specific individual.

Overall  I really enjoyed the interview and learned a fair bit about what goes on behind the scenes. Its a great reminder that if you want to learn more about something you can go further then just google. most professional company’s get requests for interviews or field trips on the regular and our more then happy to answer any questions you may have. I recommend  learning as much as you can about what interest you have!

Thank you for reading!

Cliff Service-


F17-X4 Neil Hollander


Neil Hollander is a U.S. born independent filmmaker who moved to France as young boy. He was born in New York but has found the sea to be his home. He has lived in numerous places but loves his home in France. Neil spent 3 years on the water sailing around to different ports experiencing different cultures who still live on the water. He found a love to explore different cultures and telling their stories in an honest and respectful manner. 

On October 20th 2017 Neil Hollander and his producer Barry visited Lane Community College for an artist talk and to preview their new movie. They gave a 2 hour presentation where they told stories of the trials and tribulations of being an independent filmmaker. The ins and outs of large movie companies and how they try to conform you to what the sponsors want instead of telling the real story. Neil was a bit of a conspiracy theorist as far as that went. He lead off the presentation asking for a show of hands for people in the audience who wanted to do independent films and joked that you shouldn’t want to do it. He was just getting us ready for the door being shut in our faces and being told no and that we need to change what we want. It was a little discouraging but I also found it as a challenge because I would much rather be told that it’s to hard to be done so that way I know what to expect.

At the end of the presentation Neil and Barry answered questions and were very knowledgeable about the movie industry as a whole. The ways that different ideas would be dealt with and the different networks and what they looked for as far as content. He had a huge problem with social media and the internet, which coming from his time I completely understand because your work was yours and you protected it with everything. I don’t believe you can totally hate modern technology and be able to move forward. I believe the key is to figure out how to use tech to further your cause and get what you want done. Neil was very good at doing what he needed in order to accomplish an idea but in this one major area I believe he is tying himself up for no reason

Im very glad I went to this event. I learned a lot and got a good sense as to what it’s like in the travel and film industry. I’m looking forward to the challenge of getting in places and getting the shot. I’m a thrill junkie and a truth gatherer so this is going to be perfect.
