Category Archives: Fall 2015

Multimedia Scavenger Hunt


The Media Creation Lab


The Blue Cyc Wall (I was locked out!)


The Equipment Checkout Counter


The Main Art Gallery


The Art-O-Mat


The Library


The Sculpture Outside of the Health and Wellness Building


Mary Jo’s Office


The Center For Student Engagement


Christina Salter’s Office


The Indy Lab


Some Flags


Heavy Construction Machinery


Our Beautiful Surroundings

Multimedia Scavenger Hunt


The Media Creation Lab


The Blue Cyc Wall (I was locked out!)


The Equipment Checkout Counter


The Main Art Gallery


The Art-O-Mat


The Library


The Sculpture Outside of the Health and Wellness Building


Mary Jo’s Office


The Center For Student Engagement


Christina Salter’s Office


The Indy Lab


Some Flags


Heavy Construction Machinery


Our Beautiful Surroundings

Can’t Stop Scrolling




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I stumbled upon this blog (among a few others) and was immediately drawn to BOOOOOOM. Their name alone was impactful enough to decide it was worth clicking on. Before even checking out the content I wanted to like it…if I ended up not finding any interest in it I would have been a little disappointed, because with a name like that, you have to deliver. Kudos to BOOOOOOM because the delivery was done. This blog focuses on all sorts of digital art, illustration, animation, photography, etc. They showcase a lot of really interesting pieces, like their most recent post, showing a pencil line depicted as an IV. They have it laid out as an eye grabbing photo or illustration, followed by a very clean-looking button/link to read more on the artist and the art.

The image above is a drawing done by an artist, Ibrahim Resnelli, from Bursa, Turkey. The link features another link to learn more about the individual artist, as well as showing other examples of his work.

I think it’s cool that this blog shows work from artists all around the world. In addition to that I think it’s a very well developed blog aesthetic-wise. It’s a very clean layout, not over-crowded or cluttered like I saw some other blogs were. It’s organized in a very clear and simple way, with topic links that stand out right at the top with zero confusion. They even have their Twitter link right at the very top of the page which was smart.

Overall, I really enjoyed scrolling away through this blog. I almost couldn’t stop, just looking at all the incredible artwork being featured. Very inspiring. Good job, BOOOOOOM.

Blog Search


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Birth.Movies.Death is a blog that covers mostly movie news and editorials but also has pieces on tv and video games from time to time. Things that are posted include casting news, reviews, think pieces, trailer premieres, costume announcements, and really any piece of news related to movies.

What I like about this blog is the breadth of content that is posted. I like that it is not just news but also pieces that include thoughts and opinions. Also related to the breadth of content posted is the type of movies that are covered. There is plenty  of coverage related to news about every new superhero movie that comes out but there is also pieces related to small, weird, interesting films. I like that both bigger and smaller movies are covered. The site is very well produced with an aesthetically pleasing layout that makes everything very easy to find. Sections are clearly marked so you can easily find the newest articles, the most read articles, and the task bar at the top of the website make it easy to find anything else on the site you would like to find which includes their features, reviews, trailers and podcasts. There is also a lot of engagement with the readers as the authors will frequently be in the comment section debating various things.

This blog provides very interesting and relevant, news and insight pertaining to many different forms of entertainment and I would consider it my favorite site to go to for this type of information.

Blog Search


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Birth.Movies.Death is a blog that covers mostly movie news and editorials but also has pieces on tv and video games from time to time. Things that are posted include casting news, reviews, think pieces, trailer premieres, costume announcements, and really any piece of news related to movies.

What I like about this blog is the breadth of content that is posted. I like that it is not just news but also pieces that include thoughts and opinions. Also related to breadth of content posted is the type of movies that are covered. There is plenty  of coverage related to news about every new superhero movie that comes out but there is also pieces related to small, weird, interesting films. I like that both bigger and smaller movies are covered. The site is very well produced with an aesthetically pleasing layout that makes everything very easy to find. Sections are clearly marked so you can easily find the newest articles, the most read articles, and the task bar at the top of the website make it easy to find anything else on the site you would like to find which includes their features, reviews, trailers and podcasts. There is also a lot of engagement with the readers as the authors will frequently be in the comment section debating various things.

This blog provides very interesting and relevant news and insight pertaining to many different forms of entertainment and I would consider it my favorite site to go to for this type of information.

Professional Blog – Forrest Emery

Joshua Rainey Photography Blog:

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The first thing you’ll notice about this blog is how clean and professional it looks. It grabs your attention immediately and oozes quality all throughout it. This is put on display on the front page as every post is separated into an excerpt with part of the text and a picture at the top of it. This is a great example of how to organize a blog and on top of that, how to make it look really professional.

Every post on this blog is a great resource in and of itself because each one has a variety of information on the location of the photo shoot and the experience the photographer had with them. More obviously, each post has a variety of different shots that you as the reader can learn from and try and emulate.

I really enjoy coming to this blog because it seems like every post provides new insight on being a professional photographer and has a variety of examples of different shots for every occasion. The photographer does weddings, portraits, senior pictures, events, and so much more. It’s almost absurd how diverse this person is, and all of their work is great.

Professional Blog – Forrest Emery

Joshua Rainey Photography Blog:

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The first thing you’ll notice about this blog is how clean and professional it looks. It grabs your attention immediately and oozes quality all throughout it. This is put on display on the front page as every post is separated into an excerpt with part of the text and a picture at the top of it. This is a great example of how to organize a blog and on top of that, how to make it look really professional.

Every post on this blog is a great resource in and of itself because each one has a variety of information on the location of the photo shoot and the experience the photographer had with them. More obviously, each post has a variety of different shots that you as the reader can learn from and try and emulate.

I really enjoy coming to this blog because it seems like every post provides new insight on being a professional photographer and has a variety of examples of different shots for every occasion. The photographer does weddings, portraits, senior pictures, events, and so much more. It’s almost absurd how diverse this person is, and all of their work is great.

The Scavenger Hunt Adventure


Media Creation Lab

Here is the Media Creation Lab, which seems like a really cool little place

Blue Cyc Wall

And here is the Blue Cyc Wall

Equipment Checkout

The Equipment Checkout Counter which I see myself getting to know real well in the future (I currently have a camera checked out)

In gallery

Art from the Art Gallery!

Art 'o Mat

The Art-o-Mat in the art gallery!


The Library.  It’s not the reference counter, but the reference counter is in there.  I just didn’t want to make people feel uncomfortable with me taking pictures.

Silver Statue

Large silver sculpture + a turkey

division of arts

Mary Jo Kreindel’s office 

student engagement

The Center for Student Engagement 

Christina Salter office

Christina Salter’s office.  She’s the media arts advisor.


The indie lab on the 2nd floor of building 17


Flags in Building 1


Construction stuff going on


WiLd CaRd!  Here’s the turkey from earlier.