Category Archives: Fall 2019

F19-P1 I want to talk about ME


     It’s me, Jocelyn, your friendly neighborhood plant lady! When i’m not obsessing over plants i’m out exploring and photographing nature. My life wasn’t always full of epic adventure, I’m originally from Florida and lived there until I was 23 years old. During that time the adventures were kept to a minimum because in Florida.. well, you kind of just go to the beach. Eventually I packed up everything and headed out to Colorado! I started taking more and more pictures because let’s face it, mountains make for more dramatic photographs than beaches do. After a year and a half of living in Glenwood Springs, CO I knew the ski town life wasn’t for me and packed up everything yet again and moved to Oregon! You could say that Oregon was calling to me. Something about the dramatic coastline, lush green forests and lack of snow in the valley.

After attending a few  community colleges over the last 7 years and traveling the world in between school trying to find out what it is that I really wanted to do with my life, I feel as if I have finally found a degree that is perfect for me here at Lane CC. By learning the software and how to properly edit and shoot videos/ pictures I hope to eventually intern for one of my favorite photographers; Chris Burkard. It’s a goal of mine to document the most wild areas in the world and showcase just how important conservation is.

When i’m not in school I find myself hiking with my rescue dogs and taking pictures. I also enjoy reading books, doing yoga and learning  about plants specifically; Herbalism. Fantasy is my favorite genre whether it’s a tv show, movie or book. I recently got back from a trip to the UK and look forward to traveling to South America next year for the solar eclipse. My main focus in life is to keep doing the things I love until it lands me the job of my dreams!

By: Jocelyn Duckworth

Hello world!

Hello everyone! My name is Jane Goodwin. I grew up in Alaska. Now I’ve been living in the Eugene/Springfield area for about 2.5 years now. I took a couple semesters at Lane Community College when I first moved here but then decided to just focus on work since I didn’t have any sort of career direction yet. I just decided to go back to school, and am pretty confident in my choice to do the Multimedia Program. I’m an artistic person, and doing things where I can express myself creatively is what I enjoy most and am best at. So far, so good. I like all my classes.

Outside of work I am a delivery driver/ sandwich artist for Jimmy John’s. Not a bad job, driving around is one of my favorite hobbies and I’ve become a good driver from driving 6-7 days a week. My other hobbies are cooking, watching Netflix, spending time with my three cats, and going on short road trips. I would like to start doing more photography, blogging, and the other things I’m learning in my classes.

Hello! My name is Krizia!

My name is Krizia. I’m in the Multimedia Design program, leaning towards Graphic Design, but I’m very excited to learn audio, video, editing, and photography as well! I think all the skills I learn in this program will help me in my hobbies and professional life! My dream job is designing book covers and working on creature and world-building concepts for animation and games. 

I’ve lived a lot of places, but I love Eugene the most! I love how many parks we have, how many plant-based options there are in town, how involved the art community is, and how nice most of the people are.

When I am not in school, you can find me writing or reading. I am currently working on a magical realism novel for this year’s NaNoWriMo. I work at the Writing Center and we are going to host a group that meets during the month of November for anyone looking for a fun and supportive environment to write in! I love to read contemporary fiction, thriller, fantasy, and of course…magical realism. I have a GoodReads account that I write reviews on, add books to my TBR, and keep track of my reading process. 

I also like watching tv and movies (my favorite show is Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance), going thrift and antique shopping, staying in tiny home airbnbs in other Oregon towns (I want to build my own one day!), going camping, walking my 15 year old Pomeranian or bringing her to the dog park (I call her my “old baby”), drawing digitally, learning graphic design tutorials via youtube, listening to music (my all time favorite artist is Elliott Smith and my most-recently-discovered new favorite band is The Japanese House), and attempting to learn how to garden!

Thank you for reading! I wish all who have read this a great day! 
