About Me

My name is Dimitri Lilles. I was born and raised in Eugene and I’m going to school to get into filmmaking. When I was in grade school, my dad showed my the Star Wars prequel trilogy and since then I knew that I wanted to help make movies. As I got older I found out that some dvds have behind the scenes clips, extras, and videos on how the movie was made. I immediately went through all my favorite movies at the time and watched all of the extras. I still do that for most of my favorite movies or any movie that I think is really well done. I’ve made a few little home made “movies” with my friends which, admittedly, are bad.

Over quarantine I developed a passion for astronomy. I became very fascinated with constellations, planets, and our galaxy as a whole. As summer started to end and school was starting up I kind of stopped learning about it but my passion is still there. My favorite thing to learn, as of now, are constellations. I enjoy memorizing where they are in the sky, what things they are supposed to represent, why they are named what they are, and so on.