P4 Audio

By: Fedya Lockwood

I was trying to make a creepy song that reminds me of sirens. I named the song “the wail of sirens” because of this. I struggled recording the instruments correctly, though, so the audio isn’t so good. I also added wave sounds to match the theme. Since we had to do some storytelling, I added the song name, something about sirens, and something about myself and how I feel about the ocean. 

I’ve always liked the ocean, and living near it. I’ve always felt a deep connection to water, and it reflects through sports I played growing up. I did water polo, competitive swimming, and boat rowing. But the ocean has always resonated with me, especially when I was living in Humboldt. It was one of the reasons I stayed there so long, but life brought me to the city. One of my favorite beaches is also Cape Kiwanda, which is on the northern coast of Oregon. I used to go there with my family a lot, but now I just go by myself. 

It’s been a while since I swam consistently, and I miss it a lot. I hope when I’m older I can live somewhere cold, near a big body of water. That’s the dream.