P6: Final Project

By Kahu Ekalani 

 When I started this project I knew I didn’t want to spend too much time on a script and storyboard because one of my favorite things to do is drive around and see what I can find and film to throw together. It’s a personal challenge I like to give myself, but it doesn’t mean that not a lot of time and effort went into this project, it was very time consuming.

Shooting and editing the surfing scenes was my favorite part of this project. My least favorite part was not having a gimbal to use while filming. Something I wanted to do that I didn’t get the chance to was film one more day of footage which I had planned to do around a campfire, I also planned to capture some footage of cows but that didn’t work out either. During the editing process I tried to keep an appropriate pacing and match alike actions to create continuity. Overall I’m happy with how it turned out given the materials, staff, and time frame I had to produce it. A piece of advice I’d give someone just starting this project would be to schedule as much time as you can to get as much diverse footage as possible. 

STARRING… Michael Feigen, Beach Folks, & Kahu Ekalani

Written and directed by… Kahu Ekalani

Edited and Produced by… Kahu Ekalani

Music… “Run Wild” by Twain and The Deslondes