
I have always liked doing little animations in my free time, so when we first heard about the project I was very excited to do this. 

While I use Blender’s 3D aspects regularly, this was my first time really getting to use its 2d animation functions. I think that combining the 3d and 2d aspects of this project was a fun challenge. The hardest part of combining the two dimensions were the shots of Fox carrying the blocks because I had to manually select all the points of the arm that I wanted in front of the block and then fiddle around with them until they looked right. Despite the funkiness of the dimensions, this project was really fun to do!

I don’t know if I should have put the after credits sequence before the credits, as I think that with where it is right now it may make the credits take up too much of the run time. Also, I had plans to make the credits a lot more complex, although I ultimately decided not to. 

I had a really great time working on this project.

-Violet Marier